ctions a prep-s began to be used, inflect-s-dropped. Contradictions-Eng has bot synt & analyt means (man's-of a man). Common sense in each of the theories. br/>
The Verb-Mood . . Vinogr: mood expr-s the relation of the action to reality as stated by the speaker. we can represent an action as a real fact, unreal but highly probable, very doubtful. The # of moods-disputable, fluctuates from 2 (Imp excluded) to 16. Tradit # of moods is 3. Feature-the bare infin, can be met in all 3 moods. ) Go there. I insist he go there. I go there.) ( 1) The Ind.M . shows that the speaker represents an action as a real fact. It represents every action as corresponding to reality. Doubts-in the Future of the Ind M the action has not been performed so it doesn't correspond to reality. But if compare with Subj M - degree of its probability is higher. ( 1) I'll come & help you. 2) I would like to come & help you). ( 2) The Imper M .. Not all scholars (Curme) include it because it is represented by 1 form only which is homonymous to the form of bare infinitive & it has no paradigm. H.Sweet-it has its own gram.m. diff from the Ind. or Subj.Ms. Features: it has no person, number, tense distinctions. it's used only in 1 type of sent (imper). it has a specific modal meaning of inducement (a command, prohibition, order, request, advice, offer, invitation). The negative form is alw derived with the help of aux. 'Do' including the V 'to be', if with bare inf-negat particle before it (we decided not to go there). It has an analytical construction (to address to the 3d pers). Analytical & synthetic forms. ( Let me speak (anal). Speak! (synth).). ( 3 ) Subj M . - To present an action as unreal, as a supposition. Very old-in OE synthet-ly w h of inflections areduced, coincided with the Ind M., homonymy. In early ModE-analyt forms (aux-es should/would, may/might, could). 2 tense forms - express various degrees of probability of an action. Pres Subj-in the form of likelihood, hopefulness, action refers to the Pres, Fut, chance to perform it (. If you invited me to your birthday party I would come) . Past Subj-unlikelihood, imposs (perfect forms of V) ( If you had invited me I should have come). 2 forms - synth = bare inf ( I demand he go there) , analyt-pres.subj (should would may could + inf) past (+ perf . inf). 2 fields of use : contex free-simple sent to express good will (God bless you!). Cases-subj m homon to ind m.BUT unambig case-3d pers sing in Ind m (inflex-s). aAttention to gram & lex indicators. ( I know he does it. I demand he do it.) Contex bound usage-a variety of dif combinations of forms. 1) In princ clause - it's necessary, imp, oblige a in subord cl-synth form or analyt should + inf ( It is agreed that they discuss the matter right now). 2) in attributive clauses after the Ns: decision, demand, ordera synth or analyt. ( My recommendation is that you take your exam in May .) The purpose-gram indic conj that, so that + may/might can/could + inf. (She rushed forward so that she might see everything ). -Conj lest & should + inf ( She started running lest she should miss the train ). Sequence of tenses: 1) princ & subord cl-simult action a synth form of Past Subj ( She looked at me as if she were concealing smth) . 2) action in subord follows action of princa in subord would + inf. br/>
The Verb-Voice . 2 approaches to defin . 1 V expresses the relations b w the doer & the action (G.Gurme, H.Boutsma, Варкударов ). 2. V expresses the relation b w the subj & the obj of the action (Гордон). V is the form of the verb, which shows whether the subject and the object affected by the predicate. Obvious opposition - active (no special indicator) & pas (aux 'to be'). Pas is represented by tense & aspect forms. (Ex-Indef, Perf, Cont pas: pres-past-future). In E 3 types of pas constr 1) direct passive-direct obj in AVa subj in PV (was helped by ..), 2) indirect pas-derived from the V wh can take non-prep obj in AV: give, ask, send ... (he was asked a quest), 3 obligatory parts-sbj, pred, direct obj. No in Rus. 3) prepos passive constr-former prepos obj a sbj in passive (he was laughed at by the boys), 3 parts-sbj, predict, prepos. In Rus start with prep. Not transitivity but ability to take any kind of obj is of importance while derive passive constr. 'to be + PrtII' has 2 gram m-1) p...