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Реферат Шпоргалки з історії мови

d the doer. They express a peculiar kind of mod-ty which can be called potential m-ty (the action isn't performed). p> Since there are many means of expressing mod-ty in the s-ce some scholars present the category in the form of the linguistic field. br/>

Parts of Speech. Prenormative - like in Latin 8 PSp-N, prn, participle, V, adv, prep, conj. + Ben Jonson article, + Brightland qualities (adj). His system-names (N), affirmatives (V), qualities (adj), particles (other). Class Scientif G- Sweet - gr meaning, form, function. Declinable indeclinable. Decl: 1) N-wrds-N proper, n-prn, n-numeral (cardinal), inf, gerund. 2) Adj-wrds-adj proper, adj-prn, adj-numeral (ordinal), prt 1 & 2. 3) V-wrds-finite V, inf, gerund, prt 1 & 2, Indecl: adv, prep, conj, interj. System-not consisten. Jespersen -the same principles a5 PSp-N, Adj, Prn (+ numerals, pronominal adv-where, why), V (+ verbals = inf, ger, part), Partic (proper-just, too .., prep-s, conj). Structural G r-formal analysis of formal ling unit. Meaning exluded, but form-leading/(root-white, whiten, whiteness) .. Method of nonsense wrds (take into consid the distrib-n of wrds in a sent. Method of substitution (put wrds into the positionof certain wrds). Fries-4 wrd-classes (67%), 15 gr of function wrds (33% ). Substitution diagnostic frames. Fries criticized previous but didn't give defin of of this gram category. Transformat Gr didn't classify PSp, preoccupied with Syntax. Rus theory of PSp on the grounds of ideas of Scherba & Vinogradov. Notional wrds have Lex meaning & Gram meaning. LM names concrete individual features of obj, GM describes concepts & notions. a Dif LM but one GM (a tree, a house .. - 'thingness'). Adj-GM of quality. Function wrds (prep, conj) - denote relations b w wrds, statements. Adv express quality of a quality. Formal properties - 2 kinds-word-changing, word-building. WC affixes-not helpful in the process of class-n? lang is analytical, WC inflections r polyfunctional & few of them.-S (Nplur, V3pSing, posses case ),-ed (Past Ind , Pt2, WB in comp adj 'blue-eyed'),-er (WB in adj, WB in N). WB affixes-rich in them, original (-dom,-hood,-ship ), loan (Scand-by, Fr-ess, let, ee). OK 4 distrib wrds into PSp (N-tion, ness, hood, don. Adj-ous, ful, y. V-ate, ise, fy. Ly-N + ly = adj, Adj + ly = adv). Synt Functions r presupposed by the valency & combinatoric abilities of wrds. Complex interrelations b w wrds in 1 class. a Field Approach by Zernov. Each PSp a field = a center & periphery. (Class N, Proper N, Abstr N, Material N. Pronoun cross (can perform its function), adj cross (are substan-zed, the rich). FA shows interrelations in 1 class & b w classes.

Theories . ModE-analyt, inflextional (with cases, personal endings). Changesa reconstr of gram type into anal one. Reasons of loss of inflections? Phonetic approach (Fortunatov), ​​the theory of young grammarians-Originally in Germ lang-es the stress of a wrd was freea understood that in the process of commun-n the root-most imp, contained LMa pronounced more energetically than other parts, stress became fixed on the root, final infl-unstressed a weakly pronounced, dropped. Logical? Contradictions-in Finish stress on the root, but 14 cases, function wrds used when inflections were in blossom. (Of stones-каменю род.п.). Unsatisfactory. The Theory of Substratum (comparativists). (Theory of mixture of lang-es). In case of invasions-to work out means of commun-n b w tribes. 1 lang-substratum upon which the new lang is developed. OE & Danish = Germ lang-ge group. -> Same roots, dif endings (OE-wind, Dan-windr). Diff-ce of inflections-problems aweakly pronounced. Common sense of the theory-development of a lang is regulated also by politic, economic, culture life. Voc is most affected. Theory of progress (Jespersen). Loss of inflect-positive change, to clear the lang of intricate inflections. Helps to economize thinking. Put forward the # of features. 1 Gr forms in analyt l-ge are shorter. -But some analytical forms contain 3 or 4 words. 2Anal l-ge has few gr forms which burden memory-this scarecity of gr forms causes their homonimy. 3the ways of creating gr forms are regular. - In the system of N many irregular forms of plur, Irreg V. 4 Rules governing in Syntax are regular. - The use of great # of prep is fixed. 5Article is praised. The Functional theory (Horn, Barkhudarov) - grammar isn't easily penetrated by foreign influencea reasons of reconstr in lang itself. There are ling elements that had lost funct value & can no longer perform their functions a these elements suffered the process of phonetic reduction, dropped. In OE-N had 4 cases, in some types of declention-same infle...

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