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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Доклады » ГІПОТЕЗА Про механізми впливу надмалих доз БІОЛОГІЧНО-активних речовин (БАР) НА БІОЛОГІЧНІ СИСТЕМИ

Реферат ГІПОТЕЗА Про механізми впливу надмалих доз БІОЛОГІЧНО-активних речовин (БАР) НА БІОЛОГІЧНІ СИСТЕМИ

ect exposure has been neglected. <В 

Propagation of signal in aqueous medium along the grid of Hydrogen bonds should be described by means of generalized mathematical expressions used to deal with wave processes. Mathematical formulation of suggested target activation mechanism should be brought to description of the resonance process, emerging in oscillating systems - meaning biological targets confined in certain volume that contains ligands that stand for vibrations transmitters, able to propagate at resonance frequency of the target's active center. In the scope of such mathematical model, disposition arrangement of oscillators - biological targets and vibrations transmitters - ligands, relative to each other, abides by probability laws. <В 

In the solution with regular range of BAS concentrations providing for Vant Hoff law of mass action, multiple molecules of biologically active substance, showing oscillations in the solution identical frequency-and amplitude-wise, but different from the viewpoint of the phase, mutually distort resultant oscillation transmitted to the active center of the target. Therefore, upon activation of the target, the only matter of the essence is direct interaction between molecules of the ligand and the target, when the power of oscillations generated by the nearest vibration source and received by the active center of the target begins to considerably prevail over the power of oscillations produced by other ligands and remains undistorted by their respective vibrations. As available concentration is further reduced, probability of direct contact between the ligand and the target's active center, as well as the chance of 'clear' reception of the signal by the target from the nearest BAS molecule decreases. The principle described herein, covering reciprocal distortion and equilibration of oscillations emerging from different molecules of the activator along with their interference, at probably equidistant position relative to the center of the target, provides for the opportunity to experimentally observe the so-called 'dead zone 'identified in the scope of' dose-effect 'relation. <В 

However, proportionally to the dilution of the solutions containing biologically active substance to the level defined as ultra-low dose, another process starts to gain momentum, raising the chance of such 'clear' reception of the signal by the target's active center , which signal comes from isolated molecules of the ligands. In the solution containing BAS in ultra-low dose, oscillations of sparse molecules of ligands with single own frequency cannot damp each other or distort resultant oscillation received by the target's active center, as the probability of their equidistant position relative to the target is extremely low . <В 

The phenomenon of 'cleavage', distortion or inversion of basic properties of BAS when used in ultra-low dose could be explained on account of the lack of interference effects of inducing oscillations that potentially can influence on given biological target operation, as well as in view of certain difference of such exciting oscillations generated by free molecules of activators available in concentrations lower that ligand-receptor complex dissociation constants from oscillations of activators associated the target concerned. . <В 

Initial characteristics of objects also affect the process of signal reception on the side of biological target, similarly to the pattern of initial status of harmonic oscillator impact on the process of resonance emergence under the influence of external inducing oscillation with resonance frequency. <В 

The hypothesis presented provides grounds to conclude that to ensure desired effect on a biological target contained in the solution, it would not be necessary to introduce BAS; suffice it to generate oscillations in the solution, manifesting wave profile identical to the oscillations available in the solution containing biologically active substance. Considering that oscillations of biological molecules fall to infrared and terahertz range, one should search for resonance frequencies of biological targets in the area specified. Basing on the principle of operation of resonance heterodyne indicator, it is possible to empirically find resonance frequency of any given biological target or to establish it in the scope of studying the vibration spectra of BAS solutions. Oscillations concerned can be produced with the aid of frequency modulation coherent electromagnetic radiation to secure radiation with resonance frequency of the target's active center. <В 

Effects produced over biosystems by low-intensity electromagnetic radiations and fields should be reasoned through direct influence on oscillations generated by molecules of solvent and biological targets. <В 

To sum it all up, we could emphasize main postulates of proposed...

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