(В«Tears and SaintsВ»), Cioran, thinking of Nietzsche, writes that the author of The Gay Science, looking for the heaviest burden has found himself, and later in Convorbiri cu Cioran (В«Conversations with CioranВ») we hear him concluding that ultimately he does not know more than two essential problems : how to bear life and how to bear oneself. There are no bigger difficulties, says the Romanian thinker [10, p. 47]. The starting point of Cioran s attitude should be traced back to a philosophy of fatalism. Anyway, his main thesis is the impuissance of the human being. Man is only the object of history, not its subject.really matters for the two thinkers is not so much the conscience of transcendence, but the possibility of acceding to it through suffering; and perhaps this is the point where Nihilism occurs as problem for both . Under the reign of Nihilism, philosophy targets dark feelings: a В«discontentmentВ», a fear, the inquietude of living an obscure feeling of guilt. Valorising negative feelings and sad passions represent somehow the mystification by which Nihilism builds its power.consider that suffering is the common feature of Nietzsche s and Cioran s Nihilism. This form of spirituality is also the most accepted by a humanity which is haunted by its more or less imminent ruin.that what makes these two authors so great is mostly a pure metaphysical suffering generated by their incapacity to believe in the divine. The conscience of contradiction between knowing and feeling reaches at them dramatic dimensions. Nevertheless, there is some consolation in Emil Cioran s statement, that a man who does not believe in the drama of his conscience is a naive or in his confessing that if he would write another book, its title would be В«Conscience as FatalityВ» [3, p. 52]. Thus the conscience of suffering brings the two thinkers closer. This could be also the solution for surpassing Nihilism, by means of the Nietzschean imperative, which proclaims that we must prove ourselves that we are destined to independence and to commanding [11, p. 105].
. Ionescu, N. Lecture on Philosophy of Religion. - Cluj, 1993. p align="justify">. Cioran, E. On the Drawback of Being Born. - Bucharest, 1998. p align="justify">. Liiceanu, G. Apocalypse after Cioran. - Bucharest, 1995. p align="justify">. Conversation with Cioran. - Bucharest, 1993. p align="justify">. Augustin. Confessions. - Bucharest, 1998. p align="justify">. Nietzsche, Fr. Will Power. - Bucharest, 1999. p align="justify">. Nietzsche, Fr. Gay Science. - Bucharest, 2006. p align="justify">. Cioran, E. On God. - Bucharest, 1997. p align="justify">. Cioran, E. On the Whelm of Despair. - Bucharest, 1998. p align="justify">. Cioran, E. Tears and Saints. - Bucharest, 1996. p align="justify">. Nietzsche, Fr. Beyond Good and Evil. - Bucharest, 2006. br/>