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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Automation of business processes in hospitals

Реферат Automation of business processes in hospitals

iencies. By automating business processes, removing manual tasks and eliminating error of information, business process automation increases personal and organizational productivity which enables healthcare organizations to deliver results faster and with higher quality., You should know technology by itself is not the solution and by one only system we can not to solve the problems. The greatest impact on any healthcare organization is people who are involved by effective methodology. You need a systematic approach and competent experts in the organization of documents as well as in modern computer technology.order to achieve an effective management of the enterprise there is a question over the selection and implementation of information processing systems, which will largely influence on the efficiency of any company or organization.aim of this diploma work is the substantiation of the development of the system which automates business processes of institutions specializing in the provision of health services to population. The system allows to significantly simplifying the management of paper documents, making required activities in the daily work of medical records and automates operations such as receiving and treating patients processes in medical institutions and so on.system allows the registration, record patient reception and surveys, fill out, view, and edit medical documents. In addition, the system has the ability to store a large collection of medical documents in the database establishment, necessary for conducting a medical history and ambulatory patient card.making analysis of the current healthcare system in hospitals a number of problems has identified:

- accumulates a lot of documents where the destination and source are not clear

- the documents and the data contained in them falls into the wrong hands

- the mass of the working time is spent searching for the right of documents and the formation of a collection of documents

- create multiple copies of the same document and spend a lot of money

The introduction of electronic management system will solve all these problems as well as provide well-coordinated work of all departments, simplify paperwork, increase its efficiency, increase employee productivity by reducing the time of creation, processing and retrieval of documents, improve efficiency of access to information.on the above problems, we can formulate a set of tasks to be solved by the introduction of electronic management system:

- analysis of information workflows in the health facilities

- the organization of centralized storage, retrieval, delivery of complex documents

- study of the structure of medical facilities and the identification of the problem being solved through automation

- development of a program that searches for information in the database according to certain criteria

The main technical and economic indicators to be achieved by the implementation of electronic management system:

- reducing the development time of documentation enterprise by hanging performance when working with large amounts of information

- the possibility of operational control

- the ability to monitor the dynamics of the institutions

The relevance and practical significance of the proposed work is to solve the problems associated with the creation of an optimal structure of the program and data storage by an automated information system for health facilities.system is implemented as a Web portal with a range of functions. The system can be easily configured to use a particular healthcare setting and is still current with changes in the structure of the hospital or the introduction of new types of medical documents.portal does not require the acquisition of third-party paid programs, which significantly reduces the cost of implementation of medical information system.portal was developed in conjunction with doctors of various specialties, thus creating the most user-friendly for the employee interface that allows starting the process of implementing the program without prior training.


. 1 Technical and economic characteristics of medical institutions. Characteristics and activities. Management and organizational structure

Care is set of state and public measures for medical care, disease prevention, improve the health of population. In today s environment it is the most important social function of state and it is traditionally the main components which are the preventive and curative care for diseases and in...

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