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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Automation of business processes in hospitals

Реферат Automation of business processes in hospitals

juries, pregnancy and childbirth, children s health care.promotion is becoming increasingly important issues in healthcare. In association with the global scientific and technological progress and the changes of the main types of disease in developed countries, there are new priorities in the development of medical science, medical training systems, and systems of production, supply of medical equipment and supplies, pharmaceuticals.of the main objectives of the health institutions is to achieve full contact between patients and specialist agencies for the emergence of an atmosphere of trust and goodwill., nowadays medical institutions are focusing on the reliability of the services provided, the level of service and privacy policyanizations, no matter in what area they are faced with common challenges in the field of management. On the basis of the general laws of lining concrete management practices, depending on the conditions under which they apply. There is no exception and for health care. Specificity management of medical institutions is the fact that health care is a special sphere of activity, which differs significantly from the other activities. Management structures of many modern facilities have been constructed in accordance with the management principles laid down in the distant past:

- the principle of hierarchy of management levels, where each lower level is controlled by a higher authority and obeys him

- the principle of authority and responsibility of managers in the hierarchy

- the principle of division of labor and specialization of the individual functions of employees by function

Organizational structure built in accordance with these principles, called hierarchical structure.distribution of work creates some advantages if people of the same profession or performing the same function can be assembled together. This is called a functional organization. Tasks are allocated to it in accordance with professional qualifications. People are a specialty focus in the departments headed by department managers. Functional organization has the following advantages:

- allows you to achieve a high level of specialization

- allows you to manage and control over each activity

- relatively easy to optimize the functional departments of the state

Currently, the organizational structure of the hospital can identify several main areas, each of which has specific tasks. All of them are functionally related, are together and working on the same goal which is a sustainable provision of patient care:

- Therapeutic and diagnostic direction

- Accounting service

- Human resource service

- IT service

- Security service

- Administrative services

automation business hospital

Figure 1.1 The organizational structure of hospitals

1.2 Characterization of complex tasks, objectives and necessity of automation

1.2.1 Selecting complex problems in order to automate, businesses have to operate in a difficult financial and economic environment. The key to the success of the organization in such circumstances is the most effective organization of the enterprise at all levels. This is a complex task, the successful solution of which is not in any one area of ???? science, and usually at the intersection of many disciplines, such as governance and management, logistics, accounting and computer science respectively.of business processes of the modern enterprise is a necessary and mandatory for its successful operation. It is hard to imagine today organizations which do their processes manually. Information technology allows automating the activities of virtually at all levels of enterprise. Therefore, it is clear that the automation of activity is a key point that must be addressed to the management of organization to work as efficiently as possible.the moment, patients documents, records of medical services, admission procedures and records patients to specialists, doctors receive schedule are all recorded and stored in paper form.this graduation paper the problems of automation of health care that addresses the following areas of activity will be solved:

- work with patients

- taking into account the logistics

The developed system should meet the following guidelines:

- Organizational scalability. Commissioning into the system initially available, if it is necessary, increase the number of jobs without loss of stored information...

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