Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Лексика англійської мови

Реферат Лексика англійської мови

>. Within, the college one will normally find а chapel, а dining hall, а library, rooms for undergraduates, fellows and the Master, and also rooms for teaching purposes.

. Each college is governed by a Master.

. Men and women have the opportunity to study separately.

. I want to study at this University because it is an excellent education.

Завдання 3. Утворіть письмово множина даних іменників

tour, tax-tax, woman-women, team- commands, tooth- teeth ,, telephone - telephones, friend- friends, manager- managers, laboratory- laboratories, foot- feet, man- men , wife- wives, city- cities, fax- faxes, shelf-shelves.

Завдання 4. Вставте вказівні займенники this, that, these або those в прогалини

. Who was ___ boy you were dancing with at the party yesterday?

. ____ Shoes are killing me. I can t wait to take them off.

. Hello. ___ Is Beth. Can I speak to Kate?

. I knew Jenny at university. In ____ days she had long blond hair.

. You can t get proper cheese ____ days.

. I was in the pub last night when ____ bloke came up and hit me.

. ___ Was a wonderful film, wasn t it?

. Who was that boy you were dancing with at the party yesterday?

. These shoes are killing me. I can t wait to take them off.

. Hello. This is Beth. Can I speak to Kate?

. I knew Jenny at university. In those days she had long blond hair.

. You can t get proper cheese these days.

. I was in the pub last night when that bloke came up and hit me.

. This was a wonderful film, wasn t it?

Завдання 5. Виберіть потрібне присвійний займенник в дужках

. Is that (your/yours) new car?

. This is (my/mine) favorite actor.

. Whose dog is it? It isn t (our/ours).

. What is (your/yours) position in the company.

. Is this (your/yours) umbrella? No, (my/mine) is there.

. This is (their/theirs) new flat.

. Is it your seat? No, it s (her/hers).

. Is that your new car?

. This is my favorite actor.

. Whose dog is it? It isn t ours.

. What is yours position in the company.

. Is this your umbrella? No, mine is there.

. This is their new flat.

. Is it your seat? No, it s her.

Завдання 6. Заповніть пропуски невизначеними займенниками some, any, anything, anywhere, anybody, something, somewhere, somebody

. Have you bought ___ souvenirs yet? Yes, I ve bought ___ presents for my family But I haven t sent ___ postcards yet.

. I ve just done ___ shopping. Have you bought ___ new things? Yes, I ve bought a pair of jeans and ____ a pair socks. I wanted to get __ shoes too, but I didn t have ___ money left.

. Would you like ___ to eat?

. Do you live ___ near Jim?

. There s ___ at the door. Can you go and see who it is?

. The film is really great. You can ask ____ who has seen it.

. With this special ticket you can go ___ you like on any bus you like.

. Do you know ___ about politics?

. There isn t ___ in the box. It s empty.

. Have you bought any souvenirs yet? Yes, I ve bought some presents for my family. But I haven t sent anybody postcards yet.

. I ve just done any shopping. Have you bought something new things? Yes, I ve bought a pair of jeans and somewhere a pair socks. I wanted to get some shoes too, but I didn t have something money left..

. Would you like something to eat?

. Do you live somewhere near Jim?

. There s somebody at the door. Can you go and see who it is?

. The film is really great. You can ask any who has seen it.

. With this special ticket you can go anywhere you like on any bus you like.

. Do you know something about politics?

. There isn t any in the box...

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