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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Comprehensive analysis of the economic activity of the company &Turboatom&

Реферат Comprehensive analysis of the economic activity of the company &Turboatom&

ions), their activities should focus on: 1) addressing the key problems of increasing the effectiveness of various industrial and economic systems and the economy as a whole, 2) the practical implementation of the strategy and tactics of the national economy at all levels of government.

. Infrastructure. An important prerequisite for the growth performance of enterprises (organizations) have a sufficient level of development of a network of different institutions and market industrial and economic infrastructure. Today all business structures using the services of innovation funds and commercial banks, stock exchanges (Commodity, stock and labor) and other market infrastructure institutions.impact on the productivity of the enterprise produces proper development of industrial infrastructure (communications, specialized information systems, transportation , trade, etc.). Crucial to the effective development of all structural elements of the economy is the presence of a broad network of social infrastructure.

. Structural changes in society also affect the performance at different levels of management. The most important are the structural changes in the economic and social issues. Chief among them occur in the following areas: a) technology, research and development, followed by revolutionary breakthroughs in many areas of knowledge (the proportion of domestic and imported technology), b) the composition and technical level of fixed assets (capital), c) the scale of production and activities (mainly deconcentration through the creation of small and medium enterprises and organizations), d) model of employment in various production and non-production areas, and e) the composition of staff by gender, education, training , etc..skillful use of the system of these factors can provide sufficient growth performance. This binding regardless of external factors is not as stiff as internal factors.

Conclusions to Section 5

of financial performance is reflected in the financial results achieved. To determine the financial results of the company for the period necessary to compare the earnings of the reporting period and the expenses incurred to obtain these revenues.of the company - is to increase the economic benefits in the form of assets or income reduction commitments that lead to increased equity (excluding capital growth by contributions from owners). Losses company - monetary expression reduction or loss of economic benefits that lead to a decrease in equity. primary financial results is its profit, sometimes replacing the income. In addition to these absolute indicators to assess the financial condition of applying a number of relative parameters and coefficients.is the main financial source of enterprise development, scientific and technical improvements in its resource base and production of all forms of investment. It is a source of taxes. The company has formed four indicators of profit, which varies considerably in size, economic content and functional purpose.


- an independent entity established by the competent authority or local government, or other entities to meet the social and personal needs through regular production, research, trade, and other economic activities in the manner prescribed by the Commercial Code of Ukraine and other laws.main factors of production efficiency - is raising its technical level, improving management, production and labor, changes in the volume and structure of production, improve the quality of natural resources and others.the ways to improve the efficiency of the enterprise are two ways of raising the above indicators - institutional, technological and resource.in conclusion, summarized in this paper can reiterate some points.are the main element. Where is the market transformation of the economy. It is an industrial and technological, organizational and economic unity.important component of enterprise performance, and hence its significant reserve increase, is the organization of the production process. In the specific context of enterprise should analyze all aspects that determine the effectiveness of work - on the level of workplace individual worker or specialist to the level of the whole enterprise. For manufacturing firms, taking into account, of course, the specifics of their activities, special attention should be paid to the possibility of more efficient types of production (mass, large-scale) .the analysis of the efficiency of the labor potential of the company, it is necessary to focus on the following aspects: loss of time, loss of working time due to staff turnover, the level of use of mechanization and automation of labor and computer equipment; analysis of incentives for employees, the definition of professional qualification structure of employees., solving these problems requires a comprehensive program of development and economic restructur...

Назад | сторінка 31 з 32 | Наступна сторінка

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