hObjects; ii: integer;:=0;. Items.Clear; (ifname); ii:=0 to count - 1 do.Items.Add.Caption:=cname [ii] ;
//caption:=inttostr(count);:=count;(ifname);;TForm1.SaveAdressName(fname:string);xx,yy,c:integer;:=0;yy:=0;(z1,fname);(z1);:=ListView1.Items.Count- 1; xx:=0 to c doyy:=0 to count doListView1.Items.Item [xx]. Caption=cname [yy] then (z1, «[» + cname [yy] + «]=< ; »+ cadr [yy] +«> »); (z1);;
TForm1.ReadAdressName (fname: string);, ss: string;, i1, i2: integer;:=0;
:=0;:=0;:=«»;:=«»;:=0; (z, ifname);
/ / if FileExists (ifname) then (z);
/ / else
/ / begin
/ / rewrite (z);
/ / closefile (z);
/ / assignfile (z, ifname);
/ / end; not eof (z) do (z, s); i:=1 to length (s) docopy (s, i, 1)=«[» then:=i; copy (s, i1, 1) <> «]» do(i1);:=ss+copy(s,i1,1);;(ss,i1-1,i1);[i2]:=ss;:=«»;(i2);(count);;;:=0;:=0;:=0;:=«»;:=«»;(z);not eof (z) do (z, s);
i:=1 to length (s) docopy (s, i, 1)="<" then:=i; copy (s, i1, 1) <> «>» do:=ss + copy (s, i1, 1); (i1);; (ss, 1,1); [i2]:=ss;
:=«»; (i2);;; (z);;
tform1.SaveIniFileName (fname: string);: TRegistry;:=TRegistry.Create;. RootKey:=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;. LazyWrite:=false; not reg.KeyExists («Software HummerSoft Remote Driver ») then.CreateKey (« Software HummerSoft Remote Driver »);. CloseKey;. Free;:=TRegistry.Create;. RootKey:=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;. LazyWrite:=false;;. OpenKey (« Software HummerSoft Remote Driver »,);. WriteString (« IniFile », fname);. CloseKey;. free;
tform1.GetiniFileName: string;: TRegistry;: String;: String;:=TRegistry.Create;. RootKey:=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;:=«Software HummerSoft Remote Driver»; TheReg.OpenKey (KeyName, False) then:=TheReg.ReadString («IniFile»);. CloseKey;;. Free;:=ValueStr;;;
IsSoftIce95Loaded: boolean; hFile: Thandle;:=false;:=CreateFileA («. SICE», GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, _SHARE_READ or FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, _ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); ( hFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then begin (hFile);:=TRUE;;;
IsSoftIceNTLoaded: boolean; hFile: Thandle;
(hFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then begin (hFile);:=TRUE;;; tform1.readhost; Buffer: array [0 .. 255] of char; (buffer, sizeof (buffer )); fileexists (pchar (buffer + inifilename)) then
/ / CB.Items.LoadFromFile (buffer + inifilename);;;
tform1.writehosts; Buffer: array [0 .. 255] of char; (buffer, sizeof (buffer));
/ / CB.Items.savetofile (buffer + inifilename);;
TForm1.BitBtn1Click (Sender: TObject); tCPClient.Connected then.Disconnect;. Lines.Add («Disconnect»);;;
TForm1.Panel3MouseUp (Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);. Color:=clwhite;;
TForm1.Panel3MouseDown (Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;: TShiftState; X, ...