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Реферат Gender discourse in modern English and Russian belles-letters

tural modernization and secularization in Russia was also somewhat different from early modern Western Europe. (Graph 8. - Below)

Graph 8.

as it was related to and associated with the development of capitalism, urbanization, and the emergence of the middle classes, the «civilizing process» in Russia was belated and labeled as «Westernization.»

8. «A tale of one man who fed two generals» - «Повість про те, як один мужик двох генералів прогодував»

Because of the peculiar strength of Russian absolutism, new forms of socializing and etiquette were often introduced from above, by the Imperial court, not as mere examples for more or less voluntary imitation, but as arbitrary and compulsory prescriptions, to be carried out under close administrative supervision, and with the utmost contempt and disregard for individual preferences and tastes.is what we see in the tale. The two generals were grown, brought up and taken care of as it was prescribed by the higher authorities. As the result we see that the part of the brain, responsible for the knowledge of surviving, became atrophied - they know nothing of how to help to themselves. (Graph 9. - Below)

Graph 9.

is a sort of continuity between Peter the Great s masquerades and compulsory shaving of the boyars and the Communist party s crusade against long hair, beards, miniskirts , wide or narrow pants, and so on. Ideologically, these policies were quite opposed-in the first case, this was compulsory Westernization, and in the second-anti-Westernization, but the compulsory administrative methods and social-psychological consequences of both policies were similar. Since it was introduced mainly through external and repressive means, the civilizing process in Russia tended more to rigid conformity and uniformity than to pluralism and diversity.

Now we will analyze gender discourse reflected in the tales in Kazakh.

9. «Beauty Kunkey» - «Красуня Кунка»

All the literary works - oral and written are the representatives of Kazakh traditions, Kazakh wisdom, in general the Kazakh worldview. Speaking about traditions and wisdom we do not necessarily mean only positive sides, not at all. There are surely such things as vice, sin, fault and so on, but there are always better people to overcome that entire negative. (Graph 10 - below)

Graph 10.

Kazakh wealthier layer of population considered being quite rightful to keep the lower layer down and the poor used to obey. In this tale we see that in full size but one more thing is so called «Асар» - «All people together» when the batyrs support the young man. The vizier, well aware of impunity and khan s support, planned to smash the young man and using him get Kunkey. The young man, thinking that he was fulfilling the orders, did his best and he brought Kunkey to Khan. But woman s wisdom serves no good to vizier and it is quite favorable towards the young man. Though the men have decided everything for her - the last word is left for her.

10. «Three sons of the poor» - «Три сини бідняка»

The tale has some traces ...

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