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Реферат Gender discourse in modern English and Russian belles-letters

of classical Russian tales about three brothers. But the beginning is the trace of fear before new and unfamiliar: when the father sees his sons greeting him - that s like a signal for him that that new and unfamiliar is already here and very close to him. No man - no problem and the father sends the sons away like getting  rid of a problem; why did the sons obey so easily - because it is a tradition to obey to father.the Russian analogs, in the Kazakh version the elder brothers are no mean or jealous. The men living on the steppes tried to stick to each other rather than compete and demolish each other; sure enough the cases of vice and sin also took place on the steppes of Kazakhstan, but friendship and mutual help prevailed as many Kazakhs were united by «Асар» - «All people together»! tale demonstrates intersexual relations: respect of young males to older females and males, endless care to young males by older females; concupiscent of old men to young beauties - the dreadful sin of all that drives men to do bad things to reach their vile passions.title of the tale is promising and raises different ideas about the content of the tale: people expect to find some traits alike to familiar tales. But a reader finds and what we found is quite different - magic goes hand in hand with real virtues and common beliefs.

11. «Magic Garden» - «Чудесний сад»

The tale is a pleasant story to dwell upon. We see people, who really respect and love each other, take care and try to protect each other. Asan and Khasen represent the common people from the steppes, who used to work hard to earn the piece of bread and finding a pot of gold spoiled no spirit of the men. Instead, they decide to share it with their children, in their turn, the children decide to let the wise solve the destiny of the gold. When the gold is out of the hands of these people of holy simplicity, another kind of people try to manage its fate.

A good deed is never lost - for the boy, whose heart was as pure as a tear! are no innocent, no unideological tales, just as they are no «natural »myths. Every tale is a manufactured object, and it is the inherent bad faith of a tale to seem, or rather to pretend, to be a fact. Similarly, such tales seem to be especially potent narrative forms of rhetoric. Such tales «legitimate so effectively because it relates the precarious reality constructions of empirical societies with ultimate reality.»

Considerations on the tales of the three languages.

Tracing the tales, we can distinguish two stages in our gender research: biological determinism and gender research proper. There are facts which questioned the dependence of gender category on biological peculiarities of the sexes.specific feature - biological determinism - is the recognition of the fact that psychological, cultural, behavioral and intellectual differences between men and women as well as peculiarities of their speech behavior were determined by their biological sex. But such factors as sex correlation, age, education and culture were are not sufficient as we could notice in our analyses.our work we also researched peculiarities of communication in various social strata and can conclude that existing gender differences in language are determined by social and historical causes. s speech is characte...

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