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Проект реалізованого Додатках має Наступний структуру:
# ifndef EDGE_H_
# define EDGE_H_
# include edge_id: boost :: totally_ordered
{: _id (size_t vertex_source, size_t vertex_target) _vertex_source (vertex_source)
m_vertex_target (vertex_target)
{} operator == (const edge_id & rhs) const
{((rhs.m_vertex_source == this-> m_vertex_source) && (rhs.m_vertex_target == this-> m_vertex_target));
} operator < (Const edge_id & rhs) const
(rhs.m_vertex_source m_vertex_source) | |
((rhs.m_vertex_source == this-> m_vertex_source) && (rhs.m_vertex_target m_vertex_target))
}: _t m_vertex_source;
size_t m_vertex_target;
# endif / / EDGE_H_
# include «edge.h»
# include
# include
# include
# include
{: graph_coverage (const Graph & graph); _t aditional_coverage_for_path (std :: list path) const; fully_covered () const; add_coverage_for_path (const std :: list < size_t> & path);: std :: map coverage_map; _map m_covered_edges;