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Реферат Сучасні розробки в психології

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L. M. Sosnina

Research assistant of IP RAS, Moscow

Theoretical and methodological analysis of justice problem is conducted. The approaches to the phenomenon in question are reviewed; the main kinds of justice and criteria of just distribution are marked out and described. The analysis of J. Adams classical theory of equivalent justice and the main tendencies in studies on the basis of this theory are presented. The questions of justice motivation multidimensionality, its study in cross-cultural researches and further investigation prospects are discussed.

Key words: justice, distributive and procedural justice, justice criteria, multidimensionality of justice motivation, social and cultural determination.


Автор: Н. П. Ничипоренко, В. Д. Менделевич

Н. П. Ничипоренко *, В. Д. Менделевич **

* Кандидат психо...

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