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Реферат Комплексна характеристика субтитрів як особливого виду дискурсу

om local mines. The medical charity has accused the Nigeria government of a slow and ineffective response to it. Tommy Alleging has his special report.CNN news випуск від 04.01.2013Will Congress and president Obama find a way to avoid fiscal cleave. The fiscal cleave was really a series of automatic taxing increases and government spending cuts that were scheduled to take affect at the start of the year. The reason is US government has too much debt. But the president and Congress could have avoided this fiscal cleave by coming up with a compromise at different plan to reduce the debt. Will Congress and president Obama find a way to avoid fiscal cleave. The fiscal cleave was really a series of automatic taxing increases and government spending cuts that were scheduled to take affect at the start of the year. US government has too much debt. But the president and Congress could have avoided this fiscal cleave by coming up with a compromise.CNN news випуск від 28.01.2013Of course, there are a number of new laws in effect as yesterday. Last fall we told you a couple of states were legalizing recreational marijuana and some others approved same sex marriage. Here are a few laws that you might not known about. In California employers can no longer require worker to share their social media passwords. Some privacy concerns about that. If you live in Illinois forget about shark fin soup. It »s now illegal to have shark fins at all.There are a number of new laws in effect as yesterday. Last fall we told you a couple of states were legalizing recreational marijuana and some others approved same sex marriage. A few laws that you might not known about. In California employers can no longer require worker to share their social media passwords. If you live in Illinois forget about shark fin soup. CNN news випуск від 19.02.2013Oscar Pistorius sobbed uncontrollably when the prosecutor stated that he shot and killed an innocent woman. It sounds like it «sa very, very emotional scene. In court the prosecutors are going to argue that Oscar Pistorius premeditated the murder of his twenty-nine-year-old girlfriend. Her family are morning, a woman that they »ve described as loving somebody who everybody loved. And they «re saying that all they want now is an answer.Oscar Pistorius sobbed uncontrollably when the prosecutor stated that he shot and killed an innocent woman. It »s a very emotional scene. In court the prosecutors are going to argue that Oscar Pistorius premeditated the murder of his 29 year-old girlfriend. Her family are morning, a woman that they «ve described as loving somebody who everybody loved. CNN news випуск від 29.03.2013Well, South Korean officials are still insisting that their best intelligence indicates that it will be the launch tomorrow, it will be a medium-range rocket and it »s going to be the kind, the kind of event that North Korea «s not supposed to do. You know, there »re supposed to be developing ballistic missiles for sale. This is one of their chief ways of earning money. They sell these missiles to countries like Iran and Pakistan. But the missiles are seen as destabilizing threaten. North Korea is under sanctions from the UN Security Council as a result of all this.South Korean officials are still insisting that their best intelligence indicates that it will be the launch tomorrow, it «s going to be the kind of event that North Korea» s not supposed to do. There «re supposed to be deve...

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