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Реферат Комплексна характеристика субтитрів як особливого виду дискурсу

struggle to get what little aid is available. The rebels have driven fifty thousand people out of the refugee camp. Diplomatic effort to resolve the crisis, the presidents of Rwanda and Congo have both agreed to attained the summit. And France and Britain have sent their foreign ministers to the region.Humanitarian crisis grips central Africa. 250 thousand people are now homeless in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. People struggle to get what little aid is available. The rebels have driven fifty thousand people out of the refugee camp. The presidents of Rwanda and Congo have both agreed to attained the summit. And France and Britain have sent their foreign ministers to the region.BBC World News випуск від 18.03.2013The president of Cyprus has warned that his country faces bankruptcy unless it accepts the terms of an international bailout. There has been shock and anger in Cyprus since it was announced that the deal includes saver «s paying a level up to ten percent on the money in their accounts. Here the government »s promise that the British troops serving in Cyprus will not be affected. Our correspondent Mark Levin has this report from Nicosia.The president of Cyprus has warned that his country faces bankruptcy unless it accepts the terms of an international bailout. There has been shock and anger in Cyprus since it was announced that the deal includes saver «s paying. Here the government »s promise that the British troops serving in Cyprus will not be affected. Mark Levin has this report from Nicosia.BBC World News випуск від 12.04.2013If North Korea has managed to acquire the ability to build nuclear tipped missiles then it changes the strategic map of this whole region. Pyong Yang has long been able to threaten us with thousands of artillery pieces just over the mountain behind me here. But nuclear missiles would give North Korea the ability to threaten US bases in Japan and may be even the US itself. There is a sad logic to North Korea nuclear ambitions. These pictures, smuggled out of the North, show the reality of the life there now. Oxcarts have replaced tractors, firewood is the only fuel. While billions are spent on the military, markets are virtually empty. If North Korea has managed to acquire the ability to build nuclear tipped missiles then it changes the strategic map of this whole region. Pyong Yang has long been able to threaten us with thousands of artillery pieces. But nuclear missiles would give North Korea the ability to threaten US bases in Japan and even the US itself. These pictures, smuggled out of the North, show the reality of the life there now. Oxcarts have replaced tractors, firewood is the only fuel. While billions are spent on the military, markets are virtually empty. BBC World News випуск від 21.04.2013Now let «s take you to the northern Nigeria. BBC investigation has revealed the level of toxic led contamination around a cluster of villages in a far province. Four hundred and fifty children have died from the led poisoning in the past four years. People use led to extract gold from local mines. Now the medical charity has accused the Nigeria government of a slow and ineffective response to the contamination. Tommy Alleging has his special report.BBC investigation has revealed the level of toxic led contamination around a cluster of villages in a far province. 450 children have died from the led poisoning in the past four years. People use led to extract gold fr...

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