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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Учебные пособия » Ділова англійська мова (письмовий аспект) для Військовослужбовців

Реферат Ділова англійська мова (письмовий аспект) для Військовослужбовців

dd a meeting7 provideb lunch

Вправа 2.8

1. His name is Ivanenko Mykola Mykolaiovych.

2. His first name is Mykola.

. He was born on the 9th of July in 1970.

. He was born in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

. He lives in Donetsk, Ukraine.

. He is a serviceman (military).

. His rank is Major?

. Yes, he is.

. His wife s name is Nadia Ivanenko.

. Yes, he does.

. He has three children: two sons and a daughter.

Розділ 3

Вправа 3.2


Dear Peggy, you a very warm Birthday! must be a wonderful day for you and it is a great day for us! wish you many years to come, strong health and a lot of love.your birthday , may every glowing candle on your cake be a wish that comes true.bless you.and Nadia

Вправа 3.4

Варіант відповіді29, 2010Maria,

I was deeply saddened to hear about the death of Viktor.know how difficult this must be for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.was such a kind man.Viktor would do anything to help someone in need. I remember one time Viktor helped my wife to find a job.there is anything that we can do, we sincerely hope that уоu will call or write to us.God bless you and your family during this time and alwaysdeepest sympathy,

Oleksandr (signature)

Вправа 3.5

1. False (Colonel Tucker is appointed as a new Commanding Officer of the Seventh Marine Regiment).

2. False (Colonel Hummer is posted to Norfolk, Virginia).

3. False (Colonel Tucker is posted to California).

4. True.

5. False (The Change of Command Ceremony will be on the first of July 2013).

Вправа 3.6

1) Варіант ВІДПОВІДІ

Colonel Ivanenkowith pleasureHummer sinvitation for the Change of Command Ceremony

on Tuesday, the first of July 2013ten o clock

2) Варіант відповідіIvanenkoextremely that a previous engagementhis acceptingHummer sinvitation for the Change of Command Ceremony

on Tuesday, the first of July 2013ten o clock

Вправа 3.7


1 CO KENBATT2 UN medal presentation parade3 1 Dec 20074 ten o clock5 UKRBAT GLINA CAMP

Вправа 3.8


Colonel Ivanenko (1)

request the pleasure of. and Mrs. Black (2) at his birthday party (3) Saturday, 21st November (4) six o clock (5) 21 Stryiska Street (6)

Вправа 3.9

1. False (Roman is in Feodocia).

2. False (He stays at the Grand Hotel.

3. True.

4. True.

5. False (Roman goes to the beach in the mornings).

6. False (He is going to start his classes in two weeks).

Вправа 3.11

1 informal2 formal3 formal4 informal5 formal6 informal7 informal8 formal9 informal10 informal11 informal12 formal13 informal14 informal15 formal

Вправа 3.12

(1) 81 Station Road, 73456

May 2007

(2) Kryvonos Street 42, Kirovograd Region,

, Ukraine

(3) Dear Ihor,

(8) It is great to hear from you and know that you are OK. We have the best memories about your cou...

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