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Реферат Kursovaya rabota po ekom

istence of different economic systems mutually enriches these systems leads to economic growth and the creation of a qualitatively new economic system. Thus, the modern theory of convergence is built on the premise that different economic systems in their own development and, ultimately, will merge and create a new economic system.contemporary world is characterized by the existence of different economic systems, originating in a particular historical period, remained unchanged, and constantly evolve. To better understand the phenomenon in society, you must watch it is not one of a people and not one of any age, and consider it in the process of historical development, that is, to understand this phenomenon as being volatile, emerging, certain phases , stages of development.traditional system. In economically less developed countries have a traditional economic system. This type of economic system is based on backward technology, wide dissemination of the manual labor, the diversity of the economy mean for the economic system of various forms of economy. Persist in some countries benefits the community form based on the Community farming and natural forms of distribution creation. Small-scale production is of great importance. It is based on private ownership of productive resources and personal labour of their owner.the traditional system of small-scale production is represented by numerous peasant and industrial farms that dominate the economy. In a relatively weak comprehensive national enterprise outstanding role in the economies of the countries often plays foreign capital. In society are covered for centuries, traditions and customs, religious cultural values, caste and class divisions, containing socio-economic progress. The key economic challenges have specific features in different ways. For the traditional system is characteristic of such a feature is the active role of the State. Reallocating a large portion of the budget through the national income, the State invested in infrastructure development and provision of social support for the poor.distinctive features of the traditional economic system are: extremely primitive technology, primarily associated with the primary processing of natural resources, the predominance of manual labor. All key economic problems are solved in accordance with the customs, rooted in centuries of religious, tribal and caste traditions. Organization and management of economic life are carried out on the basis of a decision of the Council of elders, the feudal chiefs or requirements., The traditional economic system has been preserved in some of the most backward countries of Asia and Africa, although its elements are preserved and intermediate levels of developmentmand system (a centrally-planned) this system prevailed previously in the USSR and Eastern Europe, and many Asian States.of ACE is the public (and in reality - the State) ownership of virtually all economic resources, monopolization and bureaucratization of economy in specific forms of centralized economic planning as the basis of the economic mechanism. The economic mechanism of the ACs (audit committees) has a number of features. It involves, firstly, to directly manage all enterprises from a single centre - the highest echelons of State power that undermines the autonomy of the actors., The State is in full control of the production and distribution of products, which are free-market relationship between individual households. Thirdly, the State apparatus operates economic activities using mainly administrative and regulatory methods, which undermines the material interest in the outcome.monopoly established in all areas of national economy and supports ministries and departments, in the absence of competition does not care about the introduction of new products and technology. To cause a monopoly of deficiency of economy is characterized by the absence of normal human and material provisions for imbalance. In a decision of the general economic objectives was the ACE of their specific characteristics.countries with administrative-command system of the key economic challenges had its own specific features. In accordance with the then dominant ideological lines to determine the amount and structure of products was considered to be too serious and responsible to upload it directly to producers - industrial enterprises, collective and State farms. Therefore, the structure of social needs were determined by central planners. However, since the detailing and anticipate the changing needs of society in a way fundamentally impossible, these bodies were primarily to meet the minimum requirements.market system operates and adjusts automatically as a result of individual, decentralized rather than centralized government decisions. The main economic advantage of the market system is the constant stimulation of production efficiency. Economy produces what consumers require, by applying ...

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