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Реферат Kursovaya rabota po ekom

three competing Center force" of the world economy-North American, Japanese and Western European, which involve in its orbit and the other nations of the world.countries, with only 16% of the world population, 53 per cent of world GDP and 47 per cent of world industrial output (1997). They provide more than 70 per cent of world exports. It owns more than 90% of the accumulated value of foreign direct investment, here are the headquarters of the largest transnational corporations ( TNCs) in the world. Standard of living in the developed capitalist countries is much higher than the global average, and their supremacy on this indicator on the least developed countries of the world is a gigantic amount (more than 60 times the market rate of exchange rates and more than 15 times PPP).

Developing countries (developing countries) -more than 130 States in Asia, Africa and Latin America, characterized by low-and middle-income countries. This group of countries is varied. The absolute magnitude of the economy among them stands out the so-called group of seven (people's Republic of China, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Republic of Korea, Thailand), and income per capita, a relatively small group of oil-exporting countries and the so-called newly industrializing economies (NIEs). The latter most often include the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong SAR- four Asian Tigers or Dragon raquo ;; Malaysia, Thailand, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina.Asian NIEs (newly industrialized economies), have adopted export-oriented industrialization strategy, carried out an impressive economic leap forward. Among the main factors in their success-high priority to education, high levels of domestic savings, government policies promoting economic growth, focusing on international industrial specialization and cooperation. Asian NIEs largely repeated the Japanese economic model, adapting many of the business practices of Japan. It is no coincidence that economists comparing East Asia with the flying goose bunch raquo ;, where Japan played the role of the leader, followed by the NIS. At the same time here is infinitely greater role than in Japan, played foreign TNCs.of export potential of the Asian NICs was due to release of TNCS beyond national boundaries and active movement from developed countries in the NIS labor, energy-and material-intensive industries, as well as the release of mass consumer products, take their standard resource in developed countries. These countries are particularly attractive for TNCs cheap labour force and potential for more intensive use. Production of a variety of goods, ranging from consumer goods to large-scale integrated circuits, computers, cars, boats and airplanes. The main calling card of Asian NICs are the production of consumer electronics and computer industry.

1.2 The essence of economic system and its types

the last century in the world have operated various types of economic systems: two market system dominated by a market economy, the market economy with free competition (pure capitalism) and modern market economy (capitalism) and two non-market system is the traditional and administrative command.economic system is a complex, ordered the collection of all economic relations and economic activities of society moving in certain forms of productive and social relations and social institutions, the aim of which is to satisfy societal needs for wealth and services. Outside of the systemic nature of the economy could be economic relations and institutions implemented economic patterns, not might be a theoretical understanding of economic phenomena and processes.

In an economic system there are many models of economic development of individual countries and regions. Perfect economic system is the market. However, as s system it never existed.

The best studied market economy, which is characterized as a system based on private ownership, freedom of choice and competition is based on personal interest, limits the role of government. Command economy describes as a system dominated by public (State) ownership of the means of production, the collective economic decision-making, takes the place of the economic management by government planning. Under a mixed economy means the type of society, synthesizing elements of the first two systems.economy of any country operates as an independent, a great system that includes many different types of activities. And each of its link is a component of the system - can exist only because it receives anything from other links, that is, be with them during the relationship and interdependence.on the evolution of economic systems are different. Consider that the defining trend in the development of systems is the tendency to uniformity, standardization of all its structural elements.ex...

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