ife will ever be discovered or synthesized. [26] Francium-223 is the fifth product of the actinium decay series as the daughter isotope of actinium-227. [17] Francium-223 then decays into radium-223 by beta decay (1149 keV decay energy), with a minor (0.006%) alpha decay path to astatine-219 (5.4 MeV decay energy). [34]
Francium-221 has a half-life of 4.8 minutes. [3] It is the ninth product of the neptunium decay series as a daughter isotope of actinium-225. [17] Francium-221 then decays into astatine-217 by alpha decay (6.457 MeV decay energy). [3]
The least stable ground state isotope is francium-215, with a half-life of 0.12 Ојs. (9.54 MeV alpha decay to astatine-211): [3] Its metastable isomer, francium-215m, is less stable still, with a half-life of only 3.5 ns. [35]
7 . Conclusion
As an individual representative of the periodic table of chemical elements Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev, the element has unique chemical and physical properties
Element is of great economic importance and plays a major role in world culture
8 . References
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