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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Синтез та гетероціклізація ненасіченіх похідніх піразолопірімідіну

Реферат Синтез та гетероціклізація ненасіченіх похідніх піразолопірімідіну

groups at 5.44 and 5.88 ppm and two singlets for the pyrazole H - 3 protons. Structure was thus suggested for this product. The formation of compound may be envisaged via initial condensation of the amino group of one molecule of the o-aminonitrile with the cyano group of a second molecule to give an intermediate amidine which then undergoes a second, but intramolecular, amine-nitrile condensation to give the isolated product. To confirm this hypothesis, reflux of compound in ethanol and triethylamine afforded a product completely identical. A similar result had been established by Taylor and Borror.


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