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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Вдосконалення системи менеджменту ПІДПРИЄМСТВА

Реферат Вдосконалення системи менеджменту ПІДПРИЄМСТВА

ppress cases of looting, theft of property in the cities, settlements, economic activities and facilities in areas where there is a threat of occurrence and in emergency situations of technogenic and natural character, to help service public order MIA Ukraine are non-military formation of public order GO (team, group management), the main objectives of which are: safety, protection of their rights and freedoms and lawful interests in the performance of civil defense measures of prevention and emergency response; and combat crime during emergencies; public order during civil defense measures and emergency response; safety during evacuation, material and other valuables from damage cells (infection) and zones of catastrophic flooding; of business entities and objects utilities in lesions and areas of contamination; a role in the representation of social and legal assistance to citizens in lesions and areas of contamination.of non-military public order CO can be both territorial and Object destination.conducting an emergency evacuation of the lesion foci ( radioactive, chemical and bacteriological contamination) and catastrophic flooding zones forming non-military public order GO assist service public order MIA of Ukraine in maintaining law and order on the collection points, embarkation and disembarkation of evacuees, when following the evacuees in the foot columns, escorted convoys, regulate traffic on roads, helping the elderly and children, participate in health housing facilities and other property from theft and looting before returning population, housing and inspect objects for the presence of people not evacuated for various reasons. When public notification by the Department of Emergency and Civil Protection to start evacuation. Duplicate these notifications by moving zvukomovnyh settings.the case of complete evacuation facilities and economic activities of domestic export items, equipment and other tangible assets render assistance Accompanied passenger and freight traffic in the emergency regulation of traffic on major highways, protection and maintenance of law and order in the cities of embarkation and disembarkation evakonaselennya, loading and unloading equipment, household items and other property, health perimeter of the lesion, to prevent its territory strangers and avtotrasportu.crowded places throng of people support the police, do not allow the emergence of uncontrolled mass behavior, isolate provocateurs and hooligan elements, explain the situation, do not admit of panic among people and also provide mutual assistance to victims.daily activities forming non-military public order civil defense may participate in the protection of public order, strengthening health facilities during mass celebrations and izza other reasons.the threat of an emergency NF public order DPP participate in the strengthening of public order and economic entities, regulation of traffic and protecting the boundaries of zones of possible cell da...

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