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Реферат Attractive mathematical induction

k, if S (k) assertion is true, follows the verity of the assertion S (k +1), then the assertion S (n) is true for all the natural n "in geometric way means the following transition:


In that way we get a belt where the first two squares are colored:


By repeating the transition one more time, we get a belt where the first three squares are colored:


Consequently, if we continue in the same way, then gradually all the infinite belt will be colored and the general assertion n will be proved. One of the basic schemes of mathematical induction is Weak Mathematical Induction: Let S (n) be a statement involving n. If S (1) holds, and for every k? 1, S (k) В® S (k +1), then for every n? 1, the statement S (n) holds. This can be depicted as follows:


For example, Task 3: Prove that for n? 2, 4n 2 > n + 11.induction scheme is Strong Mathematical Induction: Let S (n) denote a statement involving an integer n. If S (k) is true and for every m? k, S (k) Г™ S (k +1) Г™ ... Г™ S (m) В® S (m +1) then for every n? k, the statement S (n) is true. This can be depicted as follows:


For example, Task 4: Prove that a n = 5 . 2 n - 3 n +1 , if a 1 = 1 , a 2 = -7 and a n +2 = 5a n +1 - 6a n for all n? 1.another induction scheme is Downward Mathematical Induction: Let S (n) be a statement involving n. If S (n) is true for infinitely many n, and for each m? 2, S (m) В® S (m-1) then for every n? 1, the statement S (n) is true. Its graphical depiction is:


For example, Task 5: Prove that the statement "the geometric mean of n positive numbers is not larger than the arithmetic mean of the same numbers" is true, ie,


At schools, teaching the method of mathematical induction, usually the simplest schemes are covered however more compli...

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