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Реферат Attractive mathematical induction

cated schemes can describe parallel mathematical induction and structural or two-dimensional mathematical induction. (And?? Ns, Zari??, 1983, p. 70-99)

The Value of Multimedia in Learning

Multimedia learning is the process of learning, usually in a classroom or similarly structured environment, through the use of multimedia presentations and teaching methods. This can typically be applied to any subject and generally any sort of learning process can either be achieved or enhanced through a careful application of multimedia materials. Multimedia learning is often closely connected to the use of technology in the classroom, as advances in technology have often made incorporation of multimedia easier and more complete.general, the term "multimedia" is used to refer to any type of application or activity that utilizes different types of media or formats in the presentation of ideas.is the combination of various digital media types, such as text, images, sound, and video, into an integrated multisensory interactive application or presentation to convey a message or information to an audience . (Shank, 2005, p. 2). Helps people learn more easily because it appeals more readily to diverse learning preferences.connection between multimedia learning and technology is usually made because advances in technology often make the use of different media easier and less expensive for schools and teachers. (Wiesen, 2003). br/>

Multimedia Learning Object "Mathematical Induction"

In view of the above suggestions, I used the options offered by the e-learning software Lectora (# "justify">

Figure 7. Basic page of multimedia learning object


Figure 8. Task in multimedia learning object

It includes the following parts:

- Introduction;

- Description of general and separate statements;

Interactive examples for general statements;

Description: What is mathematical induction?

How to graphically depict the method of mathematical induction?

Seven tasks with solutions and visual depiction of each task, graphical schemes, value calculation in Excel tables and the proof with the help of mathematical induction method;

Tasks for independent solution (themes: equalities, inequalities, divisibility etc). learning object is attractive, richly illustrated and interactive. For example, by clicking Excel icons you can open electronic spreadsheets and calculate values ​​of the given tasks. Also, the multimedia learning object offers to view videos about the domino effect in operation, about the seed which grows into a beautiful f...

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