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Реферат The use of gender with zoonims in English and Uzbek

se laws which are embodied in the classical theory. Researches of Rosh and its colleagues show that generally categories can have the best representatives (they are named by В«prototypesВ») and that all abilities of the person really participate in categorisation processes.

According to J. Lakoff the categorisation provides normal functioning of thinking, perception, activity and speech of the person. When the person reflected on classes of substances (things) - chairs, the nations, illnesses, emotions and in general about any versions of things - he addresses to categories. Out of ability to a categorisation the person could not function in general - neither in a material world, nor in a social and intellectual life. Studying of processes of a categorisation all-important for any approaches to understanding of how the person thinks and as it operates (function), and, hence, without it is impossible comprehension of that does us by people. However the considerable part of categories of thinking cannot be carried to categories of things, they are categories abstract сутностей. We categorise events, actions, emotions, spatial and social relations, and also abstract concepts of the most various types: the governments, diseases, elements of scientific and naive theories, such, as electronics and a cold. Any adequate model of human experience should be based on the theory which precisely describes all our categories - both concrete, and distracted. The offered by J. Lakoff the approach to the theory of prototypes is based on the assumption that mental procedure of a categorisation inherent in the person in substantive degrees leans against human experience and imagination - on features of perception, motor activity and culture, on the one hand, and properties of a metaphor, метонімії and mental figurativeness - with another [Lakoff, 1987]. supporters of cognitive linguistics consider categories as mental essence, supporters of structural linguistics represent categories in the form of separate constructions which are clearly defined in all spheres of human experience. In this connection structuralists allocate grammatical (morphological), lexical, semantic and other categories in language. Grammatical categories can be classifying (lexical and grammatical) and form-building (inflectional). The grammatical category represents unity of the grammatical maintenance and grammatical expression. It is possible to speak about presence of a grammatical category only in the event that in language there is a regular conformity between the given grammatical value and formal way of its expression, and thus there is an opposition at least two members - two classes of words for a classifying category or two forms for a form-building category.

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