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Реферат Edcation system in the USA

st-year student = Freshman, the second-year = Sophomore, the third-year = Junior, the fourth-year = Senior). Bachelor's Degree (Bachelor of Arts - BA, Bachelor of Science - B.Sc.) is given to students after successful completion of four years 'study. Some universities and post-graduate colleges award also Master's Degrees usually after other one to three years of study (Master of Arts - MA, Master of Science - M.Sc.) and Doctoral Degrees after two to five years of study. Every university has its own curriculum. On the average, only about half of the bachelor degree students complete full four-year courses. Undergraduate students must select their "major", the field in which they want to get their degree, plus a certain number of "electives" or one "minor" subject.USA has both state universities funded by the individual states, and private universities (25%). The oldest and the most respected universities are usually private: Harvard (1636, Cambridge - near Boston, MA, founded by John Harvard, who was born in London and whose parents came from Stratford-upon-Avon in England), College of William and Mary (1693, Williamsburg, VA), Yale University (1701, New Haven, CT), University of Pennsylvania (1740, Philadelphia, PA), Princeton University (1746, Princeton, NJ), College of Columbia (1754, New York) . The Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT (1861, Cambridge, MA) has acquired an outstanding reputation, too. On the West Coast, the University of California at Berkeley and the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) are held in high esteem, along with Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, near San Francisco. Harvard, Yale and Princeton - the best universities - form so-called "Ivy League". Fees are rather high at American universities, especially at private ones, and federal loans are not very big. That is why a majority of the students take on part-time jobs.addition, there exist special schools, courses or programmes, both for children and adults with special needs all over the country such as for the physically or developmentally disabled, for single mothers , for old people or for the people who just need a slower pace. It is possible to say that within the US educational system anyone can study anything at any age. p align="justify"> SYSTEM IN THE UK. SCHOOL SYSTEM

There have been great changes in the educational system in Great Britain since 1988. A few education acts have been issued (from 1988 to 1994) to raise standards at all ability levels, to give parents a wider choice of schools and to make further and higher education more economically available to large numbers of people.children and young people between the age of 5 and 16 must get full-time education. Over 90 per cent of all school children attend schools maintained from public funds (state schools). Although overall responsibility rests with central government, most of these schools are financed an...

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