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Реферат Edcation system in the USA

d maintained by Local Education Authorities (LEAs). Education at these schools is free. Every publicly maintained school has a governing body which includes members appointed by LEAs, teachers and parents.this state system of education there are also fee-paying independent schools - private and church (for about seven per cent of children). Both types of schools are subject to official inspection.and girls are taught together at most primary schools and more than 80 per cent of pupils at state secondary schools attend mixed schools (in Northern Ireland it is less, in Scotland almost all secondary schools are coeducational ). Most independent schools for younger pupils are mixed but the majority of private secondary schools are single-sex. The tendency, however, is towards more mixed education.uniforms are worn in most private schools and at many state secondary schools (especially Grammar schools). Children at some primary schools wear uniforms too, but parents vote about them.all state schools are day schools which have classes from Monday to Friday. The school day usually begins between 8 and 9 am and ends around 4 pm It includes a fairly long morning and afternoon break and about an hour s lunch break.school year in England and Wales normally begins in early September and ends in the following July (Scotland varies a bit). The year is divided into three "terms". The first term lasts from September till Christmas, the second one from January till Easter and the last one from April till July. There are some holidays between terms. Students and pupils have usually six weeks holidays in summer.state system of education is divided into four stages: pre-school and primary education, secondary education, further education and higher education.

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Pre-school education is provided by nursery schools. In England over one half of three-and four-year olds attend school and many other children attend pre-school playgroups, mostly organized by parents. (In Wales more than 70 per cent do so, while in Northern Ireland only about 15 per cent, but about 45 per cent start their compulsory schooling at 4). Are not enough state nursery schools in Britain and people have campaigned for a long time to get more opened. There are private nurseries but these are expensive and a lot of families cannot afford them. Children start at 9 am and finish at 3 pm, they have their lunch at school and usually a rest in the afternoon. They play, paint, dance and sing and do the same things that all little children do. They do not have proper lessons. p align="justify"> EDUCATION

Primary education is provided by primary schools. The working day begins at 9 am and usually finishes at 3.30 pmeducation begins at 5 (at 4 in Northern Ireland), when children go to infant schools...

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