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Реферат Licensure ATS on the acquisition, storage, wearing gas pistols, revolvers and ammunition to them

use tearing, which paralyzes or significantly reduces combat effectiveness rights.usually used in the form of aerosol cans and ammunition for handguns that made recently called "gas guns", although the correctness of such title doubtful because ammo sporyadzhayutsya no gas, and chemicals that are in the crystalline state and pass in the gaseous state (perehanyayutsya) only when a shot. Gas pistols and revolvers is in principle only spray these chemicals. Because of the small time of combustion products of gunpowder has been only 15-18% of chemicals that are usually called the gas cloud is a mixture of Aerosols small solid crystals chemicals and combustion products vyshybnoho charge.addition, armed law enforcement agencies in many countries are grenades filled ORDD (both manual and designed for shooting from special devices), smoke bombs and ammunition to special carbines, special stationary installations and water-jet guns that use solvents ORDD.when selecting a gas pistol or revolver having on stage figuring out what to chuck: tear or nerve gas. The point is that the nerve gas is a means of lethal action. Installing the fact he was in cartridges that loaded pistol (revolver), leads to criminal liability under Art. 229 Part 2 KK Ukraine ("illegal production, purchase, storage, transportation or sale of potent and toxic substances", imprisonment up to 3 years). In practice, the gas cartridge can charge any poisonous substance. At the same time, industrial production rounds of "paralytic" the world is only spetszakazam (usually from government departments) and small parties.most common substance that is used in the gas weapon is gas "CS" - ортохлорбензальмалонодінтріл. It belongs to a group of irritants - toxic substances irritant action.its pure form is a colorless solid substance with a specific flavor, reminiscent of pepper. Density 1.04 g/cm3 Melting temperature 96'S. It is stable in storage and is easily soluble in water. "CS" is used in different ways: in the aerosol state (in cylinders, for example) in pyrotechnic mixtures in ammunition and explosive action in gelatin capsules.used hloratsetonfenol - "CN", a typical irritant. It is tearing even at low concentrations, irritates exposed skin.guns shoot plastic capsules with tear gas.charge can be powder or pneumatic. Gunpowder, chemical reagent and cap together one plastic sleeve that is part of the muzzle closed zavaltsovkoy. In other models, which act as pneumatic, using carbon dioxide - carbon dioxide in high-pressure spray, which is inserted into the handle. The gas gun is effective for shooting at a distance of 15 m For comparison, gas cartridges makes sense to apply a maximum distance of 5 metersthe CIS excessive demand for gas pistols and revolvers probably continue at least until the enactment of the weapons, but only if the law legalizes the use of firearms. If it does not, gas weapons will become even more popular.the consumer point of view available on the CI...

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