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Реферат Licensure ATS on the acquisition, storage, wearing gas pistols, revolvers and ammunition to them

that pose a potential danger to public order and shall state regulation of weapons of self-defense. However, the legislation in the regulation of many issues related to the implementation of this system lags behind the needs of the time, not all of its requirements are met and the practical activities of internal affairs in this area.of problems of state regulation of weapons dedicated ASMatsko, IVBoyko, VPPetkov, OSFrolov, VVPolyakov, OVArtamonov.of the given work - a study of scientific, educational, journalistic literature, analysis of normative - legal regulations concerning permits police to acquire, store, wearing gas pistols, revolvers and ammunition to them, their practical application.task is to study on the basis of scientific, educational, journalistic literature regulations - regulations order permits the acquisition, carrying objects permit system (gas weapons) both physical and legal entities, conditions and rules realzatsyi facilities permit system (gas weapons) and the application of weapons.object of research is social relations that arise between individuals and legal entities and the state, represented by competent authority, exercising licensing system, while exercising the right to purchase, storage, carrying, use of gas weapons.subject of research is the gas pistols, revolvers and ammunition to them, and the order of state regulation of the rights of citizens to bear, acquiring, storing weapons Fixing the Constitution of Ukraine.

1. Special self-defense, equipped substances tear and irritant

Currently, due to the deteriorating economic situation in Ukraine and the rise of crime and the increasing number of violent crimes is becoming increasingly urgent self-defense against unlawful encroachments.the most effective means of self-defense is the weapon, but because the law eliminates most of the citizens of the number of potential owners: Short semiautomatic firearms (pistols and revolvers) in this situation come first self-defense kitted substances tear and irritant. The main criterion proposed to them is "short-term withdrawal of striker down" without any serious consequences for the attacker, let alone should not cause a lethal case of grievous bodily harm or irreversible changes in the human body. It is immediately mention that the result of influence of PPE on the human body depends on many factors and can not always be as "humane" as it represented firms with manufacturers advertise their products. The most widely used as PPE received toxic substances irritating (ORDD) and, at least - natural compounds that have lakrymatornym effect. I must say that toxicologists ORDD not belong to the group of chemical warfare agents, but because of their specific properties isolated into a separate group, called the West "policemen OP-gases." These substances in contact with human skin, mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, upper respiratory tract causing sharp pain, prof...

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