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Реферат Theory of literature

of the epic form. word «story» in reference to the literature used in different ways. In a narrow sense - is a detailed designation words what happened once and had a length of time. In a broader sense the narrative also includes a description, ie reconstruction through words something sustainable, stable, or even a still (most are landscapes, features household conditions, devil-looking characters, their emotional states). Epic narrative works to connect to it and, as it envelops statements actors - their dialogues and monologues, including internal, actively cooperating with them, explaining them, supplementing and correcting. And literary texts is an alloy of narrative speech and expression characters.full use of the epic kind arsenal of artistic resources available literature, relaxed manner master reality in time and space. They did not know the extent of restrictions text.can «absorb» in such a quantity of characters, circumstances, events, destiny, detail, which is not available any other branches of literature, or to some other kind of art. In this narrative form helps the deepest penetration into the inner world of man. It is quite a complicated available with a host of features and properties, incomplete and contradictory, are in motion, the formation and development.capabilities epic kind of literature are not used in all works. But the word «epic» is strongly linked insight into the artistic reproduction of life in its entirety, to disclose the essence of the era, the scale and monumentality of the creative act. Does not exist (or in the field of literary art or beyond) group of art works, which would have easily penetrated both in depth of the human mind and the breadth of human existence, as do the stories, novels, epic.

epos character essay literature


works (dr.-gr. drama-action), and the epic, to recreate the event-series behavior of people and their relationships. Like the author of an epic work, the playwright is subject to the «law of the emerging». But a detailed narrative, descriptive image in the drama is missing. Actually the author «s speech here Auxiliary and sporadic. These are lists of characters, sometimes accompanied by a brief performance, marking the time and place of action, and a description of the situation at the start of stage acts and scenes, as well as comments to individual characters and remarks indicate their movements, gestures , facial expressions, intonation (remarks). All this is a by-product of the dramatic text. The basic text of it - is a chain of statements characters, their remarks and monologues.a certain limited artistic possibilities of drama. Playwright uses only part of the subject-visual tools that are available to the creator of a novel or epic novel or story. And the character of the actors in the drama are revealed with less freedom and fullness than epic. «AMD I <...> perceive - noticed Mann - as art and feel of the silhouette only tell a person as a volume, solid, real and plastic image »., the author of the play, there are significant benefits to the creators of novels. One depicted in the drama of the moment Adheres to the next, the next. Time played playwright events for »scenic episode does not shrink or stretch, the characters of the drama are exchanged remarks without any significant time intervals, and their insights, as noted by KS Stanislavsky, are ...

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