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Реферат Theory of literature

id attachment to the epic, and dramatic lyricism both types of emotional meaning «sound» works.

Origin of literary genres

poetry and drama were formed in the very early stages of the company, in a primitive syncretic creativity. Origin of literary genres devoted the first three chapters of his «Historical Poetics» AN Veselovsky, one of the largest Russian historians and literary theorists of the XIX century. Scholars have argued that literary labor arose from the ritual chorus of primitive peoples, which can act as a ritual dance games where imitative movements were accompanied by singing - cries of joy or sorrow. Epic, lyric and drama Veselovsky interpreted as evolved from the «protoplasm» ritual «horicheskih action.» of the most active members of the choir (sang, luminaries) rose lyric-epic songs (cantilenas), which eventually split from the ceremony: «Song lyric-epic character is the first natural evolution of communication and the chorus Rite. » the original form of the poetry itself was, therefore, lyric-epic song. On the basis of these songs later formed the epic tales. A chorus of cheers as such rose lyrics (originally a group or collective), in time, too, separated from the ceremony. Epic and lyric poetry, so Veselovsky construed as «a consequence of the expansion of the ancient ritual choir.» Drama, the scientist, there was exchange of remarks choir and sang. And it is (in contrast to the epic and lyric) and gained independence, along with the «Save all <...> syncretism » ritual choir and was certain it podobiem.theory of the origin of literary genres, advanced Veselovsky, confirmed by many well-known to modern science facts about the life of primitive peoples. This is certainly the origin of the ritual drama performances: dance and pantomime gradually increasingly accompanied by the words of the participants in the ritual. However, in theory Veselovsky not taken into account, that the epic and lyric could be formed and regardless of ritual actions. Thus, the mythological tales on which subsequently strengthened prose legends (saga) and fairy tales, is outside the choir. They are not sung mass ceremony participants, and were told by one of the representatives of the tribe (and probably not in all cases such storytelling was drawn to a large number of people). The lyrics, too, could be formed out of the rite. Lyrical expression occurred in the production (labor) and domestic relations of primitive peoples. There were, thus, different ways of formation of literary genres. And the ritual choir was one of them.


the epic kind of literature (al-oz. Epos - word, speech) organizing principle of the work is the story of the characters (active persons), their lives, actions, mindset, the events in their lives that make up the plot. This is - a chain of verbal messages, or, more simply, the story of what happened before. Narratives have a time gap between speech and conduct of the subject of verbal signs. It (remember Aristotle: the poet says, «about the event as something separate from themselves») is the part and, as a rule, has the grammatical form of the past tense. For narrating (telling) is typical position of a man, recalled had taken place earlier. The distance between the time and the time of the depicted narrative of it is perhaps the most significant feature ...

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