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Реферат Incentive Tour

performance, and bring additional dollars to the bottom line.

. Cruise Incentives

sea has always been a source of adventure, excitement, wonder and romance. Motivate and inspire your participants with an experience on board a floating resort hotel - your cruise ship and you have an unforgettable experience certain to inspire like no other! Less than 15% of the population has cruised. Now, more than ever, cruising has become one of the most sought after experiences.

The cruise market has been growing in size and scope, beckoning programs that rival even the most luxurious land-based resorts. The satisfaction ratings of cruisers are the highest among all venues ... everything a resort offers, and wrapped up in one simple package, as quoted in Successful Meetings / Incentive May 2004. Cruises are now offered from ports closer to home, thereby eliminating the need for flights for many guests. Cruising is all-inclusive and offers something for everyone. Travel to exotic destinations and have the convenience of unpacking one time. On shore events including golf, sightseeing, shopping, water sports, and more can be experienced at many ports of callch a wide variety of cruise ships available, the professional advice and assistance from Sutton & Associates will provide you with invaluable consultation. Selecting the right ship, ambience, and experience for your valued guests is critical to the success of your program.

1. wikipedia.org

2. tourlib

3. changeminor.wordpress

4. Zorin IV, Katerina TP, Quarterly VA Tourism as a professional activity in 2005. - 288 p.

5. Babkin A.V. Special forms of tourism. Rostov on Don, Phoenix. In 2008. - 252 p.

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