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Реферат Incentive Tour

enefits to consider. It is fairly easy to put a dollar value on certain tangible benefits, namely, your return on investment. It is quite difficult, however, to place a value on intangible benefits, which include:

Competitive - Incentives can be used to maintain and / or increase market share

Customer Relationship Management - Incentive travel allows you to build important relationships with your customers

Incentives Foster loyalty

Create enthusiastic customers - There are 3 different customers: satisfied, dissatisfied, and enthusiastic. The goal of every organization today is to create enthusiastic customers. It s said that an enthusiastic customer will tell up to 15 others about their positive experience with your organization ... they become ambassadors for your organization. Enthusiastic customers will encourage and influence their colleagues to do business with your organization.

Trophy Value - Travel has a certain aura, and creates wonderful memories for years to come. Your customers remember their incentive experience to Cancun much more than they remember receiving a check. Most incentive winners say they do not remember what they did with cash incentives - maybe paid a few bills, or repaired the dishwasher. Travel gives them an opportunity to build memories that will last a lifetime.

Motivation - Travel has the highest perceived value of any incentive. Your customers will be motivated to do whatever it takes to win the travel incentive.

Personal - Travel appeals to your customer s competitive spirit, their need to be recognized, and their desire for travel. It builds personal relationships with your customer and fosters tremendous loyalty to the organization.

. Group and Individual Incentives

Incentivesincentive travel is the ultimate form of recognition. Motivate and recognize your customers (internal or external) in a group setting whenever possible. This fosters a sense of teamwork, loyalty, and camaraderie, which enhances the long-term motivational impact. It enables the leadership of an organization to network with their customers in a unique environment. This networking is one of the greatest values ??to any incentive program.IncentivesIncentive travel programs give recipients autonomy and are popular for many incentive programs that would not accommodate a group of individuals out of the office at one time. Individual incentive travel offers more flexibility to your winner to choose the destination, the resort, and / or the time of year, that best suits their lifestyle and needs. Individual travel incentives are available in a wide range of prices and are sure to accommodate any budget.can be selected for travel in off-peak or year round availability. Certificates are good for one year and prices are per couple based on double occupancy. Gifts can be presented in a certificate form complimentary.need to inspire employees, members, distributors, dealers, and customers is more important than ever. Travel incentives have a proven ability to improve sales, raise productivity, ensure safety, reduce turnover, increase market share, reward brand loyalty, lift morale, and improve attendance. Travel incentives are a great vehicle to motivate, drive their overall business ...

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