Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Отчеты по практике » База даних за темою &Облік контингенту навчальних закладів&

Реферат База даних за темою &Облік контингенту навчальних закладів&

quo ;; form7.froms= then.pnl3.OnClick (Action) ;;:=sqlcod + from + form7.froms;:=0; i:=1 to 15 doedt [i] .Text lt; gt; then countEdt:=countEdt + 1;:=1;:=False; edt [1] .Text lt; gt; then ((not errorEdt) and (j lt;=15)) doedt [j] .text lt; gt; then:=True; edt [j] .Text [1]=! then (edt [j] .Text [2]==) then begin countsignedt [j]:=2; errorEdt:=False; end; (edt [j] .Text [2]= lt; ) then begin countsignedt [j]:=2; errorEdt:=False; end; (edt [j] .Text [2]= gt; ) then begin countsignedt [j]:=2; errorEdt:=False; end; (edt [j] .Text [1]==) then begin countsignedt [j]:=1; errorEdt:=False; end (edt [j] .Text [1]= lt; ) then begin countsignedt [j]:=1; errorEdt:=False; end (edt [j] .Text [1]= lt; ) and (edt [j] .Text [2]= gt; ) then begin countsignedt [j]:=2; errorEdt:=False; end (edt [j] .Text [1]= gt; ) then begin countsignedt [j]:=1; errorEdt:=False; end:= raquo ;; i:=1 to 2 do SignEdt:=SignEdt + edt [j] .Text [i]; SignEdt= IN then begin countsignedt [j]:=3; errorEdt:=False; end:= raquo ;; i:=1 to 4 do SignEdt:=SignEdt + edt [j] .Text [i]; SignEdt= LIKE then begin countsignedt [j]:=5; errorEdt:=False; end:= raquo ;; i:=1 to 7 do SignEdt:=SignEdt + edt [j] .Text [i]; SignEdt= BETWEEN then begin countsignedt [j]:=8; errorEdt:=False; end ;;;:=j + 1 ;;:=0; i:=1 to 8 do if cbb [i] .Text lt; gt; then countCbb:=countCbb + 1; (errorEdt) and (countEdt lt; gt; 0) then;

Log ( ??????! ??????? ??????? ????????? ?? ?????? ???! , mmo1);

endedt [1] .Text lt; gt; then:=sqlcod + where raquo ;;

if (cbb1.textand (cbb1.text lt; gt; ???? _ ???? ) and (cbb1.text lt; gt; ???? ) then:=sqlcod + ( + cbb1.Text + edt1.Text [1] + raquo ;; i:=2 to Length (edt1.Text) do sqlcod:=sqlcod + edt1.Text [i];:=sqlcod + ) raquo ;;:=sqlcod + ( + cbb1.Text + edt1.Text + ) raquo ;;

j:=1 to 7 docbb [j + 1] .text lt; gt; thenedt [j * 2] .text lt; gt; then

if (cbb [j + 1] .text lt; gt; ) and (cbb [j + 1] .text lt; gt; ???? _ ???? ) and (cbb [j + 1] .text lt; gt; ) then:=sqlcod + and ( + cbb [j + 1] .Text + edt [j * 2] .Text [1] + raquo ;; i:=2 to Length (edt [j * 2] .Text ) do sqlcod:=sqlcod + edt [j * 2] .Text [i];:=sqlcod + ) raquo ;;:=sqlcod + and ( + cbb [j + 1] .Text + edt [j * 2] .Text + )

edt [j * 2 + 1] .text lt; gt; then

if (cbb [j + 1] .text lt; gt;) and (cbb [j + 1] .text lt; gt; ???? _ ???? ) and (cbb [j + 1] .text lt; gt; ) then:=sqlcod + or ( + cbb [j + 1] .Text + edt [j * 2 + 1] .Text [1] + laquo ;; i:=2 to Length (edt [j * 2 + 1] .Text) do sqlcod:=sqlcod + edt [j * 2 + 1] .Text [i];:=sqlcod + ) laquo ;;:=sqlcod + or ( + cbb [j + 1] .Text + edt [j * 2 + 1] .Text + ) ';;;


Form7.countFroms gt; 1 thenedt [1] .Text= then sqlcod:=sqlcod + where raquo ;; Form7.aFroms [1]= Lichdata theni:=2 to Form7.countFroms do

if i gt; 2 then sqlcod:=sqlcod + and ( + Form7.aFroms [1] + . ????= + Form7.aFroms [i] + laquo ;. sqlcod:=sqlcod + ( + Form7.aFroms [ 1] + laquo ;.?= + Form7.aFroms [i] + .) i:=2 to Form7.countFroms doi gt; 2 then sqlcod:=sqlcod + and ( + Form7. aFroms [1] + .= + Form7.aFroms [i] + laquo ;. sqlcod:=sqlcod + ( + Form7.aFroms [1] + laquo ;.= + Form7.aFroms [i] + . raquo ;; (not errorEdt) then.nListSQLCod:=Form1.nListSQLCod + 1; (( + sqlcod + ) ', mmo1);

SQLQuery[Form1.nListSQLCod]:=TQuery.Create(laquo;??????raquo;+inttostr(Form1.nListSQLCod),sqlcod); .Items.Add(SQLQuery[Form1.nListSQLCod].NameQuery);('+SQLQuery[Form1.nListSQLCod].NameQuery,mmo1);:=Form1.nListSQLCod;.ADOQuery1.SQL.Clear;.ADOQuery1.SQL.Add(sqlcod);.ADOQuery1.Open;

Log ( ?????? + SQLQuery [Form1.nListSQLCod] .NameQuery, mmo1);.Enabled:=True; .Enabled:=True; .btn3.Enabled:=True; .mmo1.Lines.Clear; .mmo1.Lines.Add (sqlcod) ;; (SQL. ', MtError, [mbOK], 0 );

end ;;

Додаток 3. Процедура генерації форми звіту.

procedure TForm4.btn3Click (Sender: TObject) ;: Integer;

Form8.Caption:='???? + SQLQuery [ActionQuery] .NameQuery;

Log ( ???????????? ????? ?? ??????? + SQLQuery [ActionQuery] .NameQuery, mmo1) ;.Show; Dbgrd1.Columns.Count lt; gt; 0 then.dbedt[1]:=TDBEdit.Create(form8);.dbedt[1].Parent:=form8;.dbedt[1].Left:=130;.dbedt[1].Top:=30;.dbedt[1].Width:=form8.Width- 170;.dbedt[1].Height:=21;.dbedt[1].DataSource:=fDM.DataSource1;.dbedt[1].DataField:=dbgrd1.Columns[0].Title.Caption;.dbedt[1].ReadOnly:=True;.lbl[1]:=TLabel.Create(form8);.lbl[1].Parent:=form8;.lbl[1].Caption:=dbgrd1.Columns[0].Title.Caption+laquo;: raquo ;;. lbl [1] .Left:=Form8.dbedt [...

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