Loans for urgent needs ................... 224 530 thousand rubles.1999, the loans granted in foreign currency amounting to 12,336 thousand US dollars against 37,175 thousand US dollars in 1998.the balance payable at the end of 1999 increased to 2,132,621 thousand compared to 1,089,759 thousand rubles at the beginning of the year or 34.4%, including:
Population ..................................... c 89,780 to 101,762 thousand rubles,
By businesses, organizations .... c 913,486 to 2,013,679 thousand rubles,
On banks ........................................ ... c 86,493 to 17180 thousand rubles.of arrears amounted at the end of 1999 134053 thousand rubles, compared with 103,924 thousand rubles at the beginning of the year, including:
Population ..................................... 7182 to 8 140 thousand rubles.
By businesses, organizations .... with 56,636 to 124 848tysb.
On banks ........................................ ... 40106 to 1065 rubles., credit debt on banks by 65% ??reduces to overdue and his characterization is hopeless to recover. So, in 1999, managed to extinguish arrears formed in 1998 and losing to the collection, worth 403,300 rubles.
of loans for 1999number 3.
Date01.01.99In%01.04.99In%01.07.99In%01.10.99In%01.01.00In%Only72731521006836762100752043810086485031009203935100is including: Population of500, 3446470,3246500,4234655,3225789,9336 pre-acceptance627350012589710019670025828779197947827674678Banks499, 30882469,33875319,75767201 +20248137,25616 Past Chennai zadol-wives completely10897591414166861417000231321250281521326219 this table it is clear that for 199 years there was a 9 loan portfolio diversification in terms of loans companies and banks.IBC Bank's loan portfolio for the year decreased from 82% to 16%, while the share of loans companies and organizations increased from 12% to 78%. share of loans to the population did not change significantly. Overdue loans increased from 14% to 9%. Receivables changed as follows from 1999 to 01/01/2000:
..................................... Population from 8.8% to 8.1%,
By businesses, organizations .... from 14.3% to 6.2% 1999, the continued influx of legal entities for cash management services to institutions Samara AK SB Bank of Russia, which led to a further increase in the share of loans granted to legal persons on cash service institutions Samara Security Bank of the Russian Federation with 68.7% to 87.5% of the total outstanding loans of legal entities.main reasons for the growth of arrears is:
. Due to the severe financial condition of a number of industrialand organizations in the city and region, borrowers working in these enterprises are not able to timely and fully pay off the bank.
. Insufficient attention to the work of arrears on loans to the public.1999. employees of credit, legal services and security measures have been taken, will significantly reduce the arrears, namely:
. Work on overdue payments carried out mainly by the following methods:
The adoption of the redemption of securities, liquid at the federal and local level (VEB bonds, KO, government securities)...