nt levels of losses. These estimates are based on consideration of all the risk factors, as well as statistical data. It should again try to get as much as possible starting points for plotting between potential losses and the average values ??of expert assessments (probability of loss). Also as in the above method the minimum number of points for estimating the risk to be not less than four, namely:
) The point corresponding to the zero level of losses
) The point that determines the size of potential losses, corresponding to the size estimated earnings.
) The point characterizing the magnitude of potential losses equal to the amount estimated revenue.
) The point corresponding to the losses, the size of which equal largest's own funds (or losses, for which there is a specific threat violations liquidity indicator bank balance). of the method of expert assessments much more complicated if the number of these estimates is small (it is similar to the reduced number of statistical indicators in which significantly decreases the accuracy of calculations). But anyway, even an approximate idea of ??the level of risk gives the bank in charge of the development of risk strategies, distinct advantages over banks not conducting such work .. Analytical methodmethod of constructing the risk curve banks almost never used, because the underlying elements of the theory of games too weakly developed to apply to the assessment of bank risk., the existing methods of constructing the curve of probability of occurrence of a certain level of losses is not quite the same, but somehow allow to make (even approximately) a risk assessment of committing virtually all banking operations.the risk curve and determining the allowable area, unacceptable and critical risk, marketing service worker Samara AK Bank SB RF should do more detailed analysis of these areas in terms of establishing the optimal level of risk for a particular type of transaction.level - is, of course, a relative term, since it turns on the basis of subjective evaluations of experts, but nevertheless he comes of the boundaries of acceptable risk resulting from construction of the risk curve. It is quite obvious that for a bank seeking to not «drown» in market forces, acting with the utmost care, the value of the optimal level of risk is lower than for the bank, which is not very worried about the security of the transactions.that the optimal level of risk - a very specific question regarding the individual characteristics of each individual bank., rising one more level above trace (in terms of risk) as Samara AK Bank SB RF generally provides loans for the last two or three years. What measures are taken to reduce the likelihood of loss. Try to objectively assess and analyze the above-mentioned.the year 199 9 units Samara Bank Savings bank loans granted to individuals and legal entities totaling 9,203,935 thousand rubles (in 1998 - 7,273,152), including:
Population ......................................... ......... 789 933 thousand rubles,
Businesses, organizations ................. 8,276,746 thousand,
Banks ......................................... ............... 137 256 thousand rubles; to the population:
Long-term loans .................................. 8835 thousand rubles, ...