Теми рефератів
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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Номінатівній Механізм походження та вживанию английского лексики моди

Реферат Номінатівній Механізм походження та вживанию английского лексики моди


Have a bee in one s bonnet - to have a fixed idea that stays in one s mind.

Example : I have a bee in my bonnet with our new housemate; she s very dirty

Idiom Sentences!

Let s practice these idioms ... make at least one sentence using your favorite idiom. We will correct them and this way, everyone will learn a bit of English today! Favorite is eat one s hat. It s quite old-fashioned but fun to say. For example:

If she manages to be on time for once, I ll eat my hat

Додаток В

and derivation of fashion (Oxford English Dictionary)


· 1a popular or the latest style of clothing, hair, decoration, or behavior: the latest Parisian fashions

· [mass noun] the production and marketing of new styles of clothing and cosmetics: [as modifier]: a fashion magazine

· 2a manner of doing something: the work is done in a rather casual fashion


[with object]

· make into a particular form: the bottles were fashioned from green glass

· ( fashion something into ) use materials to produce (something): the skins were fashioned into boots and shoes


after a fashion

to a certain extent but not perfectly: he could read after a fashion

after (or in) the fashion of

in a manner similar to: she took servants for granted after the fashion of wealthy girls

in (or out of) fashion

popular (or unpopular) and considered (or not considered) to be smart at the time in question: the Sixties look is back in fashion extreme designs go out of fashion as quickly as they come in





Middle English (in the sense «make, shape, appearance», also «a particular make or style»): from Old French fa? on , from Latin factio (n-), from facere «do, make» of fashion-forward


· (of a person or style of clothing) very fashionable: the clothing line of choice for fashion-forward women

Definition of fashion plate


· 1a person who dresses very fashionably.

· 2a picture, typically in a ...

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