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Реферат Idiom in English vocabulary


idiomatic english language

English is the main language of popular music, advertising, home computers and video games. Most of the scientific, technological and academic information in the world is expressed in English. International communication expends very fast. People have to communicate with each other. It is very important for them to understand foreigners and be understood by them. In this case the English language comes to be one but very serious problem. A word comes to be a very powerful means of communication but also can be a cause of a great misunderstanding if it is not clearly understood by one of the speakers.cover a lot of drawbacks of the English language and it is one-third part of the colloquial speech. That s why, being a foreigner, one should avoid using idioms without knowing its meaning properly. This may lead to some misunderstandings between communicators.

The object of the work is phraseological units describing human appearance.

The subject of the work is the analysis of idiomatic expressions denoting human appearance in the English language.objective of the work is an attempt to study all the aspects of idioms, the groups of their meanings according to the objects described and to analyze the usage of idioms referring to human appearance.achieve the set aim we determine the following tasks:

to denote the term phraseological unit, to distinguish between English, American and post-soviet understanding of Pharesology;

to classify idioms;

to distinguish different kinds of idioms describing human appearance.

As the material for our research we used idiomatic expressions denoting human appearance taken out from dictionaries [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14] .gaining the mentioned aim we used the following methods:

description (different dictionaries: [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14]);

critical study of scientific literature (such manuals as: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]).

Theoretical value consists in selecting and combining phraseological units, belonging to the theme Human appearance, into different groups accordingly to the object defined by them.

The practical value consists in the fact that the present work is a valuable manual for specialists concerned with teaching and learning English and can be used as a teaching guide for stirring up idiomatic sentences. The results of the investigation are aimed at better understanding of the language.-paper consists of the introduction, two chapters, conclusions, list of literature used.

The introduction reveals the general survey of the whole work. It dwells on the subject, aim and tasks of the research and characterizes the material and methods of the investigation

The first chapter deals with the problem of definition of phrseological word-groups and different approaches to the classification of the phraseological units.

The second chapter deals with subdividing of the class of the phraseological units describing human appearance into different subclasses, according to their meaning.

Conclusion includes the summary of the research work.

Bibliography includes the list of the resources.

Chapter 1. Theoretical Prerequisites of the investigation

1.1 Phraseology. The problem of definition of phraseological word-combinations

Phraseology is a kind of a picture gallery in which are collected vivid and amusing sketches of nation s customs, traditions and prejudices, recollections of its past history, scraps of folk songs and fairy-tails. Quotations from great poets are preserved here alongside the dubious pearls of philistine wisdom and a crude slang witticism, for phraseology is not only the most colourful but probably the most democratic area of ??vocabulary and draws its resources mostly from the very depths of popular speech. (8, 272 p.).

Phraseological unit or an idiom is a phrase or expression whose total meaning differs from the meaning of the individual words. For example, to blow one s top (get angry) and behind the eight ball (in trouble) are English - language idioms. Idioms come from language and generally can not be translated literally (word for word). Foreign language students must learn them just as they...

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