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Реферат United states of America: geography, history, culture

ar without war . In the Korean War, Russia and America fought through other people - at arms length - and thus avoided direct armed conflict.was growing in the far east, as well as in Europe, and after the Second World War both Korea and Vietnam were divided between Communists and non-Communists. The peacemakers solved both problems by simply drawing a line across both countries, giving the northern area to the Communists, and the southern part to the non-Communists. Korean was thus split at the 38th parallel.1949, Kim Il Sung - the leader of north Korea, approached Stalin and Mao Zedong (the leader of China, which had turned Communist in 1949), and persuaded them to allow him to attack South Korea . When Syngman Rhee (the leader of South Korea) boasted that he would attack North Korea, the North Koreans attacked (25 June 1950). They easily defeated the South Korean army and by September 1950 had conquered all South Korea apart from a small area around Pusan ​​in the south.was not prepared to see South Korea fall to Communism. Americans at this time held to the domino theory - the idea that if one country fell to communism the rest would follow. In addition, in April 1950, American foreign policy had changed and become more aggressive - the American National Security Council had issued a report (NSC 68) recommending that America abandon containment and start rolling back Communism. But Truman did not attack directly; on 27 June he went to the United Nations and persuaded them to oppose the North Korean invasion. The UN forces, led by the American General MacArthur, landed in Pusan ​​and Inchon in September 1950 and by October 1950 had pushed back the North Koreans almost to the Chinese border.this point, the Chinese got involved, and drove back the Americans. A front line was eventually established around the 38th parallel (where it had all began), although the war went on for another three years. Truman refused MacArthur s advice to use the atomic bomb. Russian troops went to help the communists, but they went as advisers and dressed like North Koreans. In this way, Russia and America avoided direct war.Warand Khrushchev1953 Ike Eisenhower became President of America. He was well-known for saying that jaw-jaw [ie talking] is better than war, war . He brought the Korean War to an end by threatening to use the atomic bomb if China did not stop fighting. The Chinese agree to a truce, which was signed on 27 July 1953.1953 also, Stalin died. After a power struggle in Russia, he was replaced by Nikit...

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