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Реферат Banking system and its development in the period of transition to the market

405.807811203601.07.98109.004.707297445401.01.9996.605.207403823201.07.99117.504.107459480601.01.0094.105.608218238205.05.00104.305.2089982450 the dynamics of provision for possible loan losses, we note that the initial sharp rise was due to lack of accrual of this provision, then the arrears covered to create a reserve, we can conclude that the quality of the loan portfolio has improved (he became less risky). However, at the end of the first quarter of an increase in reserve. This was caused by the increase of the loan portfolio.1996, employees of the credit, legal services, and security measures have been taken to reduce the arrears due to its maturity by:

Adoption of the redemption of securities, liquid at the federal and local level (bills Samara Oblast Administration and the city of Samara, the Ministry of Finance Bills, Bills of Sberbank of Russia, government securities, bonds and other EBV-party issuers of securities with permission Rossberbanka)

Conclusion of contracts of assignment of claims

Transfer of the debt to creditworthy borrowers,

Conclusion of agreements on compensation for tangible assets and their subsequent implementation or statement on the bank's balance sheet.the case of uncollectible arrears legal service carried out all the necessary formalities for the transfer of cases to arbitration courts, seizure of property and other assets of borrowers, which contributed to the execution of the necessary measures to return the loans.all the above measures do not lead to repay the loan due to lack of funds or assets of the borrower, the bad loans on the basis of a forensic artist and the act of the court recognized the impossibility of collecting funds hopeless to recover. Resolution of the Board of Samara AK Bank SB RF such loans are written off against the allowance for possible loan losses.order to prevent the growth of arrears in Samara bank AK SB RF and reduce the risk of loan default is preferably carried out loans proven highly reliable clientele, located on the cash service at lower interest rates to ensure minimal risk of non-disbursed funds.

was without any drops and eventually marked a slight decline in this indicator.not ignore the distribution of loans by risk groups. Let us consider the dynamics of the past two years. It is displayed in the following table and chart her table number 8.

number 8of specific weights of risk groups in the total amount of loans

DateRisk groupIIIIIIIV01.01.9787., 28.501.01.0088. is obvious that the majority of borrowers belonged and belongs to the first group of risk. Here, the peak occurred in the proportion of 01.01.98 (89.2%). He is the inflection point (growth was reversed). Densities of other groups are small. Thus, according to the second risk indicator varies in the range from 1.0% to 2.2%. The third group is the oscillation from 1.2 to 2.0. Fourth-risk group according to specific gravity is in second place, the highest rate falls on 01.01.1999 and was 9%. Number 9 is a consequence of the table discussed above. We are talking about the dynamics of the specific weights of allowance for risk groups in the total allowance for loan losses.weight...

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