law is connected with the question about recognition of the determining role of human rights relating to other legal values. We shall note the fact that that this recognition of priority of prevailing of human rights relates exclusively to activity of the state and is distributed on all state structures [10] .the supremacy of law makes it possible to solve the problem of correlation of individual and collective rights out of connection with the state. Thus, the Eurocentric understanding of this correlation with priority of individual rights should not hide the other, opposite variant of such correlation that just corresponds to the idea of ??supremacy of law in relating to human rights. In this case supremacy of law in Ukraine is connected with providing of priority of legal duty and creation of legal conditions for achieving the unity of equitable rights and legal duties in the legal system of Ukraine.of law in our legal culture first of all acts as the sense of truth and its reflection is in the normatively set positions. Thus, being guided by the truth they not only adhere to the existing equitable rights and legal duties, show persistence in the assertions of the right but do not accept falseness even it is legalized [11]. It is possible to assert that speaking about our legal culture the truth gets one of the expressions in the idea of ??supremacy of law and is not only the means of rise of the person in the existing system of social relations but also allows the person to react in good time on the changes of authority of the power, its institutional solvency, ideological acceptability. In tradition of the domestic legal regulation based on the lie, it can not be called the law, therefore the adopted by means of legal cultures from the European legal culture principle of supremacy of law should inevitably be filled with the sense of truth.
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