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Реферат Examples of modern determinations of culture

d by the brain of different ways. An individual takes away informative units, "edits" them, modifies, and, most important, uses them. How does an individual use cultural information? We use a culture in свіх interests, so that she developed, our інклюзивну adaptability. From here follows also, that a culture is the arena of conflict, because individuals and factions take away ideological information, corresponding to their interests, and in the same time try to convince other, that this ideology serves to all. Not implied here, that human creatures are conscious hypocrites; rather, we cheat itself (self-deceit is highly-adaptation in attempts to influence on a conduct other). Information in a cultural source can be poorly by adaptation (maladaptive). For every this individual, some socially reported information which a culture consists of serves rather to interests other, what in the own interests. Other processes can also have the result of badly by adaptation cultural information, as in those cases, when ecology changes or, when seeming adaptation strategy has negative long-term consequences (for example, fishing a network can be successful only during set time, but essentially she conduces to exhaustion of supplies of fish). That some cultural information, probably, is badly by adaptation, for some or all individuals, adjustment of such information В» supposes.

11. Reasoning of Sara Harkin's

Anthropologists and psychologists jointly participated in theoretical changes in концептах of culture and personality. The Central metaphor in actualization of conceptions of culture is the "outwardly-internal" measuring of contrast. A culture was examined as providing surroundings for thought and action of individual from one side, as a system of internal rules, managing such activity - with other. The external displays of "foods" of culture contrasted with an internal "cultural informative fund" or beliefs and values ​​which create them. A conduct which can be directly observed contrasts with ideas; emotions and systems of value which more hidden from supervision. For many the realization was general that into the area of psychological anthropology there was moving of attention for the last twenty years from "external" to "internal" actualization of conceptions of culture. I am inclined to think that "internal" side of culture always was more central for psychological anthropologists, and that our feeling of change in that behalf is exaggerated. For example, Klayd Klakhon in an essay about "концепті of culture ", which was first published in 1945, concluded thatВ« basic стрежень of culture consisted of traditional ideas (id est historically derivative), and values ​​"especially related to them. John Waiting also in 1960 characterized a culture as "formulation of general symbolic determinants of conduct В».

В«At the same time research of linguistic socialization and research of development of the emotionally-meaningful systems is related to more general theme about that, how the cultural models of self are studied. Anthropological research into a когнітивної scientific paradigm provides scopes for the study of this question. As H. Kvin and D. Holland determine, cultural models divide understanding, which "Build experience, delivering interpretations of this experience and conclusion about him, and aims for an action В». Research of cultural models used a discourse (taking place naturally or in the context of interview with a researcher) analysis for the production of partners of statements, that and metaphors which constitute the cultural systems of value. One striking opening which took place as a result of this research - it "thematic" of cultural models from different areas into one culture. An example is this use of the ideas of В«independenceВ» constructed in a civilized manner in the American theories of parents about a conduct and development of child. The American parents use general cultural models for development of specific models of development in babyhood, which allow adjusting obviously the negative conduct of child to in a civilized manner valuable. There is difficulty in researches of cultural models, which originates from distinction between a theory and methods. It was assumed from a theoretical side, that cultural models had motivational and emotional measuring. Nevertheless in the concentration on the "internal" variant of culture, research of cultural models is actually based exceptionally rather on a discourse analysis, than conducts. A question about that, how an idea is related to the action, is problematic and even more problematic in the context of cultural analysis, but exactly on the study of him it is needed to send future research. Other question: as do cultural models get development in the process of human development? D. Holand and Dj. Velsner compare the idea of cultural models to the idea about the ...

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