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Реферат The basic sense of democracy

ssness are not the only alternatives. Rule of law means that no individual, president or private citizen, stands above law. Democratic governments exercise authority by way of law and are themselves subject to law's constraints. Laws should express the will of the people, not the whims of kings, dictators, military officials, religious leaders, or self-appointed political parties.

- Freedom of speech and expression, especially about political and other public issues, is the lifeblood of any democracy. Democratic governments do not control the content of most written and verbal speech. Thus democracies are usually filled with many voices expressing different or even contrary ideas and opinions. According to democratic theorists, a free and open debate will usually lead to the best option being considered and will be more likely to avoid serious mistakes. Democracy depends upon a literate, knowledgeable citizenry whose access to information enables it to participate as fully as possible in the public life of their society and to criticize unwise or tyrannical government officials or policies. Citizens and their elected representatives recognize that democracy depends upon the widest possible access to uncensored ideas, data, and opinions.


Some advantages to a democracy are that it can provide change in government without violence; power can be transferred from one party to another through elections. The people we elect owe their success to the people who elected them in the first place. When people elect someone they elect who suit them, they should be grateful that you even like them. It should also make them want to work harder and motivate them to work for the people and not themselves. In democracy people feel a great sense of participation in the choosing of their government, they get to voice their opinion by means of votes. Sometime it even makes people feel a sense of belonging in their society. Also, I can note other advantages:

Гј Peaceful Modifications in the Government. Democracy can offer modifications in government without hostility. In a democracy, authority can be reassigned from one party to another by the mode of elections. The power of the general public of a country decides its ruling power.

Гј Averting Monopoly. Furthermore, any government is confined to an election tenure after which it has to contend against other parties to recover power. This method averts monopoly of the reigning party. The reigning authorities have to ensure it functions effectively for its people as cannot continue being the authority subsequent to carrying out its term unless re-elected by the people.


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