fy"> Feeling of Gratitude. This inculcates a feeling of responsibility towards the citizens. The reigning party owes their accomplishment in the elections to the people of the country. This leads to a feeling of thankfulness towards the citizens. It can act as their inspiration to function for the people for it is the general masses that have absolute authority over selecting their government.
Гј Social Responsibility of the Citizens. An additional vital advantage of democracy is that the citizens achieve a sense of contribution in the procedure of selecting their government. They get the chance to speak out their views by method of electoral voting. This gives ascend to a feeling of belongingness in the brains of the masses towards their society and its well being.
There are also disadvantages to democracy which are the government is always changing after every election term, the person you elected may lose focus of what was important and may steer in the other direction. Democracy can also influence people, some may vote for someone that everyone else wanted and not what they want. Everyone has different views about the various political systems, you should always choose what you want not what everyone else wants. Because in the long run, you should be happy with the choices and opinions of your own. We all don t think alike, that is what make us individuals and make this world a great place to live in. Also:
o Making the wrong choice. In a democratic country, it is the common man who has the supreme right to choose their legislature and their prevailing authorities. As per a general study, not all the people are completely conscious of the political circumstances in their nation. The common masses may not be acquainted of the political matters in their society. This may lead to common man taking an erroneous selection during election.
o Authorities May Lose focus. As the government is bound to changes and modification after each election tenure, the authorities may function with a interim objective. Since they have to go through an election procedure after the conclusion of each tenure, they may lose focus on functioning effectively for the citizens and instead might concentrate on winning elections.
o Hordes Have Influence. A further disadvantage of democracy is that hordes can manipulate citizens. People may vote in support of a party under the pressure of the bulk. Constrained or influenced by the ideas of those around, an individual may not put across his/her accurate judgment.
Democracy averts radicalism and encourages teamwork and synchronization. It also slows things down, stops those in authority doing what...