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Реферат Contrastive analysis of compound adjectives in English and Ukrainian

r foreign language teaching, but "inherent in all these approaches is the belief that lexical patterns can be studied synchronically and descriptively by assessing the similarities and differences in the structure of the vocabulary of two or more languages.

There are seven stages in the development of contrastive lexicology. These are: 1. prelinguistic word studies; 2. semantics; 3. lexicography; 4. translation; 5. foreign language learning; 6. bilingualism; 7. contrastive analysis.lexicology is directly connected with contrastive analysis at the level of lexis, conducting the studying of perception and categorization of the real word around us.analysis can be carried out at three linguistic levels: phonology, grammar (morphology and syntax) and lexis (vocabulary). The word is a structural & semantic entity within the language system. The word as well as any linguistic sign is a two-faced unit possessing both form & content or, to be more exact, sound-form & meaning.used in actual speech the word undergoes certain modification & functions in one of its forms. The system showing a word in all its word-forms is called a paradigm. The lexical meaning of a word is the same throughout the paradigm. The grammatical meaning varies from one form to another. Therefore when we speak on any word as used in actual speech we use the term word conventionally because what is manifested in the utterances is not a word as a whole but one of its forms which is identified as belonging to the definite paradigm. Words as a whole are to be found in the dictionary (showing the paradigm n - noun, v - verb, etc). Are two approaches to the paradigm: as a system of forms of one word revealing the differences & the relationships between them . abstraction from concrete words the paradigm is treated as a pattern on which every word of one part of speech models its forms, thus serving to distinguish one part of speech from another.

s - s-s

ed-ingof-phrases verbsthe grammatical forms of words there are lexical varieties which are called variants of words. Words seldom possess only one meaning, but used in speech each word reveals only that meaning which is required. g. to learn at school to make a dresslearn about smth. /Smbd. to make smbd. do smth.are lexico-semantic variants.are also phonetic & morphological variants .. g. often can be pronounced in two ways, though the sound-form is slightly changed, the meaning remains unchangeable. We can build the forms of the word to dream in different ways: dream - dreamt - dreamt.

.4 Contrastive analysis and translation studies ...

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