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Реферат Contrastive analysis of compound adjectives in English and Ukrainian

cation. Chesterman (1998), in addressing this issue, makes a useful distinction between similarity-as-trigger , defining it as the notion of a particular relation existing between entities in the world, a relation that impinges upon human perception, from matter to mind and similarity-as-attribution , which goes in the opposite direction, from mind to matter. It is essentially a subjective, cognitive process that perceives two entities as being similar. Similarity judgements, in turn, are (...) ways of organizing and clarifying one s mental representations ofworld . They are also bound to be relative, variable and culture dependent.

Contrastive analysis also brings to light what can be labelled problem pairs, the words that denote two entities in one language and correspond to two different words in another language.analysis brings to light the essence of what is usually described as idiomatic English, idiomatic Ukrainian the peculiar way in which every language combines and structures in lexical units various concepts to denote extra-linguistic reality.

СA deals with the meaning and use of situational verbal units, words, word-groups, sentences which are commonly used by native speakers in certain situations.

Сontrastive analysis cannot be overestimated as an indispensable stage in preparation of teaching material, in selecting lexical items to be extensively practiced and in predicting typical errors. It is also of great value for an efficient teacher who knows that to have a native like command of a foreign language, to be able to speak what we call idiomatic English, words, word-groups and whole sentences must be learned within the lexical, grammatical and situational restrictions of the English language.

.3 Contrastive analysis & contrastive lexicology

lexicology is systematic branch of linguistics which deals with similarities and differences of two or more related and non-related languages. Contrastive lexicology studies various lexical units. They are: morphemes, words, variable word-groups and phraseological units. We proceed from the assumption that the word is the basic unit of the language system, the largest on morphological & the smallest on syntactic plane of linguistic analyses. Other labels that have been used in the literature are: comparative semantics; comparative synonymies; lexical/semantic comparison; differential lexicology; lexical contrastive analysis; semantic/lexical interference.vantage-point varies, depending on whether the aim is to enlighten semantics, translation , lexicography, bilingualism, o...

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