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Реферат Racism and prejudice and their role in cross-cultural communication

nformation has a resistant influence of people to each other.cognitive, communicational or labor act is preceded by a so called "setting", that is a tendency to an appropriate activity which is to satisfy a person s demands. Unlike a motive, a setting has no conscious basis. But a setting is the way to accept a subject; it defines the attitude to it. The problem arises only in case when real and virtual differences become a prevailing property and are modified into a hostile psychological setting. It separates nations and justifies discrimination from both psychological and theoretical points of view.the course of the intercultural communication a stereotype and a prejudice are considerably differentiated. As it already has been said stereotypes are features and traits of a definite group. It is a generalized image of representatives of an appropriate group. As a rule there is no vividly shown emotional value, that is why there is an opportunity for positive judgments about this or that group.believe that there is a special mechanism for a prejudice to appear. Due to it one can direct his or her emotive reaction to a person who is not connected with this reaction. This mechanism is called the process of displacement. The essence of this process is to transit emotions on another situation with possible benefits. People use psychological displacement either unconsciously, as a protective psychological mechanism, or consciously to find a scapegoat to give vent to dissatisfaction about anything. This mechanism is used to transmit people s anger and hostility to a subject which is far away from the reasons of these emotions.to partial or distorted knowledge prejudice can be felt towards a wide range of things: to animals, people, associations, ideas, etc. However, the most wide-spread prejudice is the ethnic one. Such prejudices are preserved and extended due to certain socio-political reasons resulting from socio-economic conditions of people. One of the reasons is in the fact that being on the bottom of the society representatives of a superior ethnic group try to find psychological satisfaction in this alleged superiority.can be prejudiced against, or have a preconceived notion about someone due to any characteristic they find to be unusual or undesirable. A few commonplace examples of prejudice are those based on someone s race, gender, nationality, social status, sexual orientation or religious affiliation, and controversies may arise from any given topic: sexism ( is generally linked to negative female sentiments that derive from the belief that females are worth less or less capable than males), nationalism (a sentiment based on common cultural characteristics that binds a population and often produces a policy of national independence or separatism), classism (a biased or discriminatory attitude on distinctions made between social or econo...

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