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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Formation of group behaviour in the organisations

Реферат Formation of group behaviour in the organisations

Table of contents

Introduction 2

Chapter 1. What is the group and why people unite in groups? 3

Chapter 2. Types of groups. 4

Chapter 3. Formation of group and its basic characteristics. 6

Chapter 4. Potential of group and its productivity. 13

The conclusion 18

The literature list 20


People live and work in groups. 5 billion 400 million the persons occupying our planet, form more than 200 states in which is 20 million economic organisations and hundred millions various groups. In the big organisation individuality of the person is dissolved in a lump of people. Other business in group (a brigade, department, office, etc.). Here everyone with the abilities, lacks, acts clearly. Owing to features of group in it there are processes which make essential impact on behaviour of the person in the organisation. The first has paid to this attention of Elton of Mayo during the known experiments in Hotorne. The further researches in the given direction have allowed to draw the important conclusions. First, the group takes a key place in the organisation. On the one hand, it the natural form of association of individuals; with another a structural element for organisation construction. Secondly, the group has positive influence not only on the separate worker, helping it is better to learn itself, to get new skills, to satisfy various social requirements; but also on all organisation, promoting its unity, stability, occurrence of new ideas, perfection of methods of decision-making and the control. Processes owing to which all it occurs, Elton of Mayo and Kurt Levin named Group dynamics recognising a key role of group dynamics in the organizational behaviour, different scientists differently treat the maintenance of this concept. One put in it formation of group and management of it. Others consider that it represents a set the technician and techniques of type of group therapy, role training, etc. The third at some discrepancy in separate details adhere to the concept of Eltona of Mayo and Kurta Levin according to which group dynamics is considered from the point of view of the internal nature of group, their characteristics and interaction in them individuals. Such sight at group dynamics allows to approach to its studying as it covers a wide range of questions more deeply. The author of the given work puts before itself aim to consider most important of them.

Chapter 1. What is the group and why people unite in groups?

The answer to the first part of a question is obvious: he/she is some persons, small meeting of people. Whether however it is really possible to name any small association of people group? The majority of researchers assert that for group it is necessary, first, that its members co-operated and, secon...

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