xt:=«select fam, sum (summa) from cards inner join sale on cards. idcard=sale. idcard where data between «» + Form2. Edit4. Text + «» and «» + Form2. Edit5. Text + «» group by cards. fam, cards. idcard »;. Query1. Open;;;. Query1. RecNo:=page; i:=1 to 5 do [i]:=Form2. Query1. Fields. Fields [1]. AsInteger; [i]:=Form2. Query1. Fields. Fields [0]. AsString;. Query1. Next;; (a [1], a [2], a [3], a [4], a [5], [1], b [2], b [3], b [4], b [ 5],);; TForm6. BitBtn1Click (Sender: TObject);: array [1.5] of integer;: array [1.5] of string;: integer;. Canvas. FillRect (Image1. BoundsRect); Form2. Query1. RecNo>=5 then:=page - 5;
Продовження додатка БForm2boBox3. ItemIndex of
: begin. Query1. Close;. Query1. SQL. Clear;. Query1. SQL. Text:=«select fam, sum (summa) from cards inner join sale on cards. idcard=sale. idcard group by cards. fam, cards. idcard »;. Query1. Open;;
: begin. Query1. Close;. Query1. SQL. Clear;. Query1. SQL. Text:=«select fam, sum (summa) from cards inner join sale on cards. idcard=sale. idcard where data=«» + Form2. Edit4. Text + «» group by cards. fam, cards. idcard »;. Query1. Open;;
: begin. Query1. Close;. Query1. SQL. Clear;. Query1. SQL. Text:=«select fam, sum (summa) from cards inner join sale on cards. idcard=sale. idcard where data between «» + Form2. Edit4. Text + «» and «» + Form2. Edit5. Text + «» group by cards. fam, cards. idcard »;. Query1. Open;;. Query1. RecNo:=page; i:=1 to 5 do [i]:=Form2. Query1. Fields. Fields [1]. AsInteger; [i]:=Form2. Query1. Fields. Fields [0]. AsString;. Query1. Next;;; (a [1], a [2], a [3], a [4], a [5], [1], b [2], b [3], b [4], b [5],);;.