measured in three different scales.
9. is a result of a rising mass of cool air.
10. A decrease of of air will result in the forming of clouds or
11. speed is measured in nautical miles per hour.
The amount of water vapour that is in the air is referred to as .
When a cloud touches the ground we speak of .
14. is formed when droplets have become large enough to fall to the ground.
Exercise 4. Complete the chart:
AbbreviationDirectionMovementAdjectiveAdjective (for winds) SSouthward ofNENortheastNNortherlyWWesternswSouthwestward ofSESoutheastNWNorthwesterlyEEastern
Exercise 5. Listen to the recording
a) You are going to hear a conversation on the bridge of the MVElga during bad weather. What are the-weather conditions like? Choose from the list below:
gale tidal stream tropical storm snow
torrential rain floating ice high wind
poor visibility dust storm fog bank
b) Answer the questions (you may listen to the text again if necessary):
Why has the tanker issued a securite call?
How long would it take the MV Elga to reach the tanker's position in good weather conditions? What about the given situation?
Why do the Officers try to contact the Coastguard? What is wrong?
What is the problem with the MV Elga?
Can the MV Elga assist the tanker?
Exercise 6. Fill in the schemes
7. Write a short report describing the weather conditions today. Try to mention all the meteorological elements you know. Are the conditions favourable for a sea voyage? Why? br/>
Survey - огляд, огляд
tfc "Vicinity - околиці, район
ffc "Broadcast - передавати по радіо, віщати
^ Trough - улоговина низького тиску
te "Ridge - гребінь підвищеного атмосферного тиску
$ * Occlude - оклюдованого; перегороджувати
fa * Overcast суцільна хмарність, похмуро
рт * Thunderstorm - гроза "Thunder - грім
^ Lightning - блискавка
fa * Gtf/e - шторм, вітер від 7 до 10 балів
fc-Squall - шквал
^ (dust) Haze - серпанок, легкий туман
ть "Moderate - помірний, середній
Exercise 8. Scan the textForecastweather forecast for seafarers offers a survey of weather conditions that may be expected in certain places, sea areas and in vicinities of coastal stations within the next 24 hours. A weather forecast is broadcast in radio bulletins and should be monitored by the navigator and transferred to the Weather Forecast Information Sheet.Weather Forecast Information Sheet must be made available to all bridge-personnel and studied regularly and closely in order to determine short-range weather conditions and visibility.sheet consists of three parts:
in the "General Synopsis" information is given about barometric pressure, position and movement of a depression or anti-cyclone;
in me "Forecast for Sea Areas" information is given about wind, weather conditions and visibility. The presence of a gale is indicated by a "tick" in the column "gales";
in "Reports from Coastal Stations1 'information is given about wind, weather conditions, visibility and atmospheric pressure.
Exercise 9. Learn the abbreviations used in Weather Forecasting by heart: abbreviations used in the General Synopsis are: = depression (low pressure area, also referred to as "cyclonic") = high pressure area (anti-cyclone) = trough of low pressure ~ ridge of high pressure-warm front
С = cold front
О = occluded frontabbreviations used in the Forecast for Sea Areas and Reports from Coastal Stations are:
b - blue skym/f - m...