Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Програмне забезпечення обліку медичних препаратів на складі

Реферат Програмне забезпечення обліку медичних препаратів на складі

other.id!=null) || (this.id!=null amp; amp;! this.id.equals (other.id))) {false;

} true;


@ OverrideString toString () {name;




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*author Humanity


@ Entity

@ Table (name= PRODUCT )

@ NamedQueries ({@ NamedQuery (name= Product.findAll raquo ;, query= SELECT p FROM Product p ),NamedQuery (name= Product.findById raquo ;, query= SELECT p FROM Product p WHERE p.id =: id ),NamedQuery (name= Product.findByName raquo ;, query= SELECT p FROM Product p WHERE p.name =: name ),NamedQuery (name= Product.findByManufacturer raquo ;, query= SELECT p FROM Product p WHERE p.manufacturer =: manufacturer ),NamedQuery (name= Product.findByQuantityinstock raquo ;, query= SELECT p FROM Product p WHERE p.quantityinstock =: quantityinstock )}) class Product implements Serializable {static final long serialVersionUID=1L;

@ Id

@ GeneratedValue (strategy=GenerationType.IDENTITY)

@ Basic (optional=false)

@ Column (name= ID ) Integer id;

@ Basic (optional=false)

@ Column (name= NAME ) String name;

@ Column (name= MANUFACTURER ) String manufacturer;

@ Basic (optional=false)

@ Column (name= QUANTITYINSTOCK ) int quantityinstock;

@ OneToMany (cascade=CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy= productid ) List lt; Shipment gt; shipmentList; Product () {

} Product (Integer id) {.id=id; .shipmentList=new ArrayList lt; Shipment gt; ();

} Product (Integer id, String name, int quantityinstock) {.id=id; .name=name; .quantityinstock=quantityinstock; .shipmentList=new ArrayList lt; Shipment gt; ();

} Product (Integer id, String name, String manufacturer, int quantityinstock) {.id=id; .name=name; .manufacturer=manufacturer; .quantityinstock=quantityinstock; .shipmentList=new ArrayList lt; Shipment gt; ();

} Integer getId () {id;

} void setId (Integer id) {.id=id;

} String getName () {name;

} void setName (String name) {.name=name;

} String getManufacturer () {manufacturer;

} void setManufacturer (String manufacturer) {.manufacturer=manufacturer;

} int getQuantityinstock () {quantityinstock;

} void setQuantityinstock (int quantityinstock) {.quantityinstock=quantityinstock;

} List lt; Shipment gt; getShipmentList () {shipmentList;

} void setShipmentList (List lt; Shipment gt; shipmentList) {.shipmentList=shipmentList;


@ Overrideint hashCode () {hash=0; +=(id!=null? id.hashCode (): 0); hash;


@ Overrideboolean equals (Object object) {

//TODO: Warning - this method will not work in the case the id fields are not set (! (object instanceof Product)) {false;

} other=(Product) object; ((this.id == null amp; amp; other.id!=null) || (this.id!=null amp; amp;! this.id.equals (other.id))) {false;

} true;


@ OverrideString toString () {name;




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